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Epistemic "must" #28

Closed cbonial closed 11 years ago

cbonial commented 11 years ago

How should we handle cases of "must" that aren't deontic (permission, obligation), but rather are epistemic? For example, "John isn't here, he must be sick."

We only have cases of "must" that correspond to "obligate," but that doesn't fit here. We considered using "probable" but "John isn't here, he MAY be sick" doesn't seem to quite capture the same thing.

This could also occur with other modals "He's gotta be/has to be sick if he's not here," etc.

nschneid commented 11 years ago

Hmm...I think this could be read as "likely cause-of":

John isn't here, he must be sick.

(b / be-located-at-91 :polarity -
      :ARG1 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "John"))
      :ARG2 (h / here)
      :ARG1-of (c / cause-01
            :ARG0 (s / sick
                  :domain p)
            :mod (l / likely)))

Or maybe there's a good frame to recruit for this purpose (indicate-01?).

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Would this be an inference? Maybe we can use infer-01 of deduct-01. One precedent: I think, therefore I am. (deduce-01)

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Consensus (AMR phone meeting May 28, 2013):

    (i / infer-01
      :ARG1 (s / sick
                 :domain p)
      :ARG2 (b / be-located-at-91 :polarity -
                 :ARG1 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "John"))
                 :ARG2 (h / here)))
nschneid commented 11 years ago

Should this go in the guidelines under modality?

cbonial commented 11 years ago

That placement in the guidelines makes sense to me, this could be contrasted to other "must" usages.