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Annotation of "therefore" #52

Closed mgeorgescu closed 11 years ago

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

There have been different approaches to annotating "therefore" > infer-01 OR conclude-01 OR cause-01? Depending on situation, can we go to the most appropriate choice?

China is a traditional ally and supplier of food and fuel to North Korea China and is therefore the country with the most leverage over North Korea.

(a / and

  :op1 (s / supply-01

        :ARG0 (c / country :name (n / name :op1 "China"))

        :ARG1 (a3 / and

              :op1 (f / food)

              :op2 (f2 / fuel))

        :ARG2 (c2 / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))

  :op2 (a2 / ally-01

        :ARG1 c

        :ARG2 c2)

  :ARG0-of (c3 / cause-01

        :ARG1 (l / leverage-00

              :ARG0 c

              :ARG1 c2

              :mod (m / most)))

  :mod (t / tradition))

The issue therefore does not concern some opinions that provoke waves of objection , but rather it fundamentally concerns a vision of the role of the Church , its ideology , and its universal message .

(i3 / infer-01

  :ARG1 (c / contrast-01

        :ARG1 (c2 / concern-02 :polarity -

              :ARG0 (i / issue)

              :ARG1 (t / thing

                    :ARG1-of (o / opine-01)

                    :ARG0-of (p / provoke-01

                          :ARG1 (w / wave

                                :consist-of (o2 / object-01)))

                    :mod (s / some)))

        :ARG2 (c3 / concern-02

              :ARG0 i

              :ARG1 (v / view-02

                    :ARG1 (a / and

                          :op1 (r / role

                                :poss (r2 / religious-group :name (n / name :op1 "Church")))

                          :op2 (i2 / ideology

                                :poss r2)

                          :op3 (m / message

                                :mod (u / universal)

                                :poss r2)))

              :manner (f / fundamental))))

Therefore , I call upon the citizens in general , and those of al - Matn in particular , to show their support for the Lebanese Army through civilized and democratic behavior as is their habit in this area .

(c / conclude-01

  :ARG1 (c2 / call-12

        :ARG0 (i / i)

        :ARG1 (a / and

              :op1 (c3 / citizen

                    :mod (g / general))

              :op2 (c4 / citizen

                    :location (c5 / city :name (n / name :op1 "at-Matn"))

                    :mod (p / particular)))

        :ARG2 (s / show-01

              :ARG0 a

              :ARG1 (s2 / support-01

                    :ARG0 a

                    :ARG1 (a2 / army

                          :mod (c6 / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lebanon"))))

              :manner (b / behave-01

                    :ARG0 a

                    :ARG1 (a3 / and

                          :op1 (c7 / civilization)

                          :op2 (d / democracy))

                    :mod (h / habit

                          :poss a

                          :location (a4 / area

                                :mod (t / this)))))))
uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

To capture the meaning of therefore, we have precedents for both cause-01 (more common) and infer-01 (less common). It would be great if annotators could stick to these two, choosing between the two based on context. In your last example, I would go with cause-01.

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

We'll try to advise annotators to choose from "cause-01" and "infer-01".