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Annotation of "official" using have-org-role #62

Closed mgeorgescu closed 11 years ago

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

An official from the Moscow region 's mosenergo electric utility" (an official of any other organization, for that matter)

In a case like this, the frame as such seems to contain the meaning of "holding an office", and "official" is not a specific function, it just means a person holding an unspecified position in that organization. So in such cases, the "official" could be annotated as arg0 person, with the organization as arg1, without specifying the arg2 (function / office held).

So far "official" has been annotated as arg2. Please let us know if it's ok to drop or if for the sake of consistency, even if more superficial, we should keep it. Thank you.

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

Another example, when the role is not very straightforward:

e.g. "a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London"

(h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Michael" :op2 "Williams")
:ARG1 (o / organization :name (n2 / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Institute" :op3 "for" :op4 "Strategic" :op5 "Studies") :location (c / city :name (n3 / name :op1 "London"))) :ARG2 (f / fellow :mod (s / senior)))

Would this annotation stay true to the new role?

ArchnaBhatia commented 11 years ago

To me, it seems like "official" should be an ARG2 with "person" in ARG0 so that it is consistent with the "senior fellow" example above. The difference between "senior fellow" and "official" is just that one is more specified for the type of function than the other but both exercise some authority (to whatever extent their role grants them the authority).

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Madalina, I agree with your generous interpretation of have-org-role-91's :ARG2. The sense gloss for the frame is "X is in organization Y as Z" and the examples already include "member" as a possible slot for :ARG2. So I think that "official" and "senior fellow" are fine as well.

I met two naval officials.

(m / meet-03
  :ARG0 (i / i)
  :ARG1 (p / person :quant 2
          :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
                     :ARG1 (n / navy)
                     :ARG2 (o / official))))