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Annotation of roles decomposed to "person :arg0-of X" & "have-org-role" #63

Closed mgeorgescu closed 11 years ago

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

Until we introduced the "have-org-role", nouns like "reporter", "judge" have been decomposed to: (p / person :ARG0-of (j / judge-01) (p / person :ARG0-of (j / report-01)

Since we started using the "have-org-role", should we always stick to the role concept as :arg2 (reporter, judge) without annotating it in the above manner?

If we do, the checker will highlight the "reporter" in the annotation below as incorrect, suggesting that it should be verbalized to person :arg0-of report-01:

Reporter Jeroen Akkermans said several Georgian civilians died in the same attack .


Some other examples: farmer, dancer, worker, etc. Thank you for your feedback.

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Madalina, the issue you bring up is certainly one of high priority in our discussion as we transition to have-org-role-91.

My sense is that "reporter", "farmer", "dancer" and "worker" are primarily activity-oriented descriptions of people and that we should continue to use our old verbal frames for them.

reporter Jeroen Akkermans

(p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Jeroen" :op2 "Akkermans")
  :ARG0-of (r / report-01))

Note that many of these activities can occur outside organizations. For example, from what I can tell after glancing at Mr. Akkermans' Wikipedia page is that he is not firmly employed by a specific organization, even if he has frequently worked with RTL.

Things get a little tricky when activities are combined with an organization. This is where have-org-role-91's :ARG3 might come in handy:

Venice High School history teacher Craig Brandau

(p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Craig" :op2 "Brandau")
  :ARG0-of (t / teach-01
             :ARG1 (h / history)
             :ARG3-of (h2 / have-org-role-91
                         :ARG0 p
                         :ARG1 (s / school :name (n2 / name :op1 "Venice" :op2 "High" :op3 "School")))))
kevincrawfordknight commented 11 years ago

head of Venice High School

(p / person :arg0-of (h / head-01 :arg1 ... VHS ...))

principal of Venice High School (since we don't have a propbank frame...)

(p / person :arg0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :arg1 ... VHS ... :arg2 ... principal ...))

venice high school teacher craig brandau (see ulf's proposal above, to use both teach-01 and have-org-role-91)

nschneid commented 11 years ago

Another case to consider:

Craig Brandau teaches at Venice High School

The most likely reading is that VHS is not merely the location of the teaching, but also Brandau's employer—i.e. it is equivalent to calling him a VHS teacher.

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago
(p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Craig" :op2 "Brandau")
   :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91
          :ARG1 (s / school :name (n2 / name :op1 "Venice" :op2 "High" :op3 "School"))
          :ARG3 (t / teach-01
                 :ARG0 p
                 :ARG1 (h / history))))