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My least favorite sentence to AMR thus far... #67

Open cbonial opened 11 years ago

cbonial commented 11 years ago

I would like some input on this sentence, which I find to be very difficult to AMR with consideration to our new and proposed guidelines for ordinals as well as rate-entities. This sentence demonstrates how it can be difficult but necessary to combine these two concepts, and underscores the need for a definitive rate-entity proposal. Additionally, it's just hard to get the semantics of this sentence right considering that it's not truly the "figure" that makes it the largest consumer (it just demonstrates this), and it's not necessarily the "largest" consumer but rather that which consumes the most. Any ideas on how to better capture this would be greatly appreciated.

screen shot 2013-08-20 at 2 20 10 pm

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

A tricky sentence indeed. I would cast it as its per-capita consumption is the largest in the world

The International Narcotics Control Bureau says the figure makes it the largest per capita consumer in the world. [PROXY_AFP_ENG_20030330_0257.42 - sentence 58 in workset proxy-19-09]

(s / say-01
  :ARG0 (o / organization :name (n / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Narcotics" :op3 "Control" :op4 "Bureau"))
  :ARG1 (m / make-02
          :ARG0 (f / figure)
          :ARG1 (c / consume-01
                  :ARG0 (i / it)
                  :degree (m2 / most)
                  :compared-to (w / world)
                  :mod (r / rate-entity
                         :ARG2 (p / person)))))
cbonial commented 11 years ago

Aha, so only if this sentence was "second largest consumer" would we use :ord? Where can we find an official writeup of the rate-entity indicating the args and usage? This is somewhat different from what's in the proposal writeup from the meeting.
I also wasn't sure how to attach a rate-entity here. The other examples in the proposal primarily connect this through a numbered arg. Although I can understand using :mod here, it might be nice to have something akin to :frequency where rate-entity is used, except something like :rate (at which the event is done).
Thanks for your thoughts!

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

Aha, so only if this sentence was "second largest consumer" would we use :ord?

OK, I just updated to make that explicit.

Where can we find an official writeup of the rate-entity indicating the args and usage?

Here's the latest version: And yes, there are probably still a number of details to be resolved in that regard.

I was hoping that the transition for ordinals would be a test case for further transitions including frequencies. So I was a bit frustrated about resistance at the last phone meeting to do that in a somewhat timely manner. I think we need a bit of a commitment to be serious about annotational transitions.