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Analysis of ordinals #72

Open cbonial opened 11 years ago

cbonial commented 11 years ago

After searching colorado consensus for "first" through "sixth", I found that the automatic updates were largely successful, but I have a couple of instances that I needed to update that were quite challenging.

In the first instance below, I'm not sure if I've appropriately captured "since Roh's election last week" as the :range argument. It seems odd to me that there's no mention of a temporal quantity or duration here, but I think that "since" should take the place of a generic time mention?

screen shot 2013-08-28 at 12 52 57 pm

I redid this second instance several times, and ended up with this structure that is essentially nested comparisons, in order to capture the idea that one entity is the largest source, while another is the second largest source. Does this seem adequate?

screen shot 2013-08-28 at 1 34 07 pm

The above instance also brings up the expression of "source" (of drugs) as the verb source-02. I did a full search of "source" and the treatment is quite inconsistent. While I think that "government sources" and "court sources" should just remain nouns (and this seems to be consistent treatment), I think sources of drugs and other commodities might be nicely captured by source-02. Currently, there are some cases that use source-02, some that just use the noun, and some that use the reification of our role :source. This is an issue that would be great to have consensus on so that we could make these expressions consistent.

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

For the 1st example you listed, we had a similar approach, with :range since :op1 (maybe not the most fortunate choice, but we tried to accommodate it in the new structure).

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

In the following example, we used the "ordinal-entity" without the :ord role so as to be able to preserve the domain relation. Does this look ok to you?

This is the first time that the big powerful Arab states stood openly with Israel in its war on an Islamic - Arab enemy

 (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 1
      :domain (t / this
            :time-of (s / stand-01
                  :ARG1 (s2 / state
                        :mod (e3 / ethnic-group :name (n / name :op1 "Arab"))
                        :mod (b / big)
                        :mod (p / powerful)
                        :accompanier-of (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel")))
                  :ARG2 (w / war-01
                        :ARG0 c
                        :ARG1 (e / enemy
                              :mod (r / religious-group :name (n3 / name :op1 "Islam"))
                              :mod e3))
                  :manner (o / open))))

Thank you.

mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

Hi Claire, We also found an example that is similar to your 2nd example, and

Sentence: Myanmar is the 2nd largest opium producer in the world after Afghanistan.

(c / country
  :ARG0-of (p / produce-01
             :ARG1 (o / opium)
             :degree (m / most
                       :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity
                              :value 2))
             :compared-to (p3 / produce-01
                            :ARG0 (c2 / country
                                    :name (n / name
                                            :op1 "Afghanistan"))
                            :ARG1 o
                            :ord (o4 / ordinal-entity
                                   :value 1)
                            :compared-to (p2 / produce-01
                                           :ARG0 (c4 / country
                                                   :mod (w / world))
                                           :ARG1 o)))
  :domain (c3 / country
            :name (n2 / name
                    :op1 "Myanmar")))

However, this approach which is deeper comes against the more superficial approach that we have used so far (e.g. the girl is the tallest in the team) where the tallness is compared to team. A similar example below:

Sentence: Myanmar is a military-ruled nation and is the world's 2nd largest opium producer.

(a / and
      :op1 (n2 / nation
            :ARG1-of (r / rule-03
                  :ARG0 (m / military))
            :domain (c2 / country :name (n / name :op1 "Myanmar")))
      :op2 (c / country
            :ARG0-of (p / produce-01
                  :ARG1 (o / opium)
                  :mod (l / large
                        :degree (m2 / most)
                        :compared-to (w / world)
                        :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2)))
            :domain c2))
mgeorgescu commented 11 years ago

Should we consider similar examples, maybe not for the Sep release, as candidate for a deeper representation? It's clear that we are comparing one state in the US (Texas) with other states in the US.

Texas is the second largest state in the U.S.
     (s / state
           :mod (l / large
                 :degree (m / most
                       :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 2))
                 :compared-to (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")))
           :domain (s2 / state :name (n / name :op1 "Texas")))

If we don't want to introduce another state concept, we could adopt the following:

Texas is the second largest state in the U.S.
     (s / state
           :mod (l / large
                 :degree (m / most
                       :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 2))
          :location (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")))
          :domain (s2 / state :name (n / name :op1 "Texas")))

Or we could introduce the implicit "state" concept which would allow the comparison and it would be a deeper representation.

uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

I agree that for expressions such as for the first time since X the proper annotation is indeed

:ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1
       :range (s / since :op1 X))
uhermjakob commented 11 years ago

For Claire's tricky source sentence, we might also want to consider using good old :source, and for behind a comparative parallel to the superlative:

The region remains the second largest source of opium and heroin in the world behind Afghanistan. = It remains to be the case that the amount of opium and heroin from the region is the second largest in the world and less large compared to Afghanistan.

(r2 / remain-01
   :ARG1 (m / mass-quantity
           :quant-of (a / and
                       :op1 (o / opium)
                       :op2 (h / heroin)
                       :source (r / region))
           :mod (l / large
                  :degree (m3 / most
                             :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity :value 2))
                  :compared-to (w / world))
           :mod (l2 / large
                   :degree (l3 / less)
                   :compared-to (c / country :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")))))