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Start and end of have-org-role-91 #80

Open uhermjakob opened 10 years ago

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

Many AMRs look much cleaner with the new have-org-role-91 frame, but there are some cases where it competes with frames describing the start or end of an org-role relationship, such as become, nominate, appoint, elect, resign, or fire

have-org-role-91 and elect-01 basically compete for arguments. Do we want to give preference to one or the other?

Example: Barack Obama was elected president of the United States in 2008.

Style 1 (old style):

(e / elect-01
  :ARG1 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Barack" :op2 "Obama"))
  :ARG2 (p2 / president
           :poss (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 2008))

Style 2 (hybrid, with preference for elect-01):

(e / elect-01
  :ARG1 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Barack" :op2 "Obama"))
  :ARG2 (p2 / president
           :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91
                      :ARG1 (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 2008))

Style 3 (hybrid, with office holder under both elect-01 and have-org-role-91):

(e / elect-01
  :ARG1 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Barack" :op2 "Obama"))
  :ARG2 (p2 / president
           :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91
                      :ARG0 p
                      :ARG1 (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 2008))

Style 4, with preference for have-org-role:

(e / elect-01
  :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91
          :ARG0 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Barack" :op2 "Obama"))
          :ARG1 (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))
          :ARG2 (p2 / president))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 2008))

Other examples in style 4:

Spain became a member of NATO in 1982.

(b / become-01
  :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91
          :ARG0 (c / country :name (n / name :op1 "Spain"))
          :ARG1 (m / military :name (n2 / name :op1 "NATO"))
          :ARG2 (m2 / member))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 1982))

Richard Nixon resigned as US president in 1974.

(r / resign-01
  :ARG0 (p / person :name (n / name :op1 "Richard" :op2 "Nixon"))
  :ARG1 (h / have-org-role-91
          :ARG0 p
          :ARG1 (c / country :name (n2 / name :op1 "US"))
          :ARG2 (p2 / president))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 1974))

Pierre Vinken will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29 .

(j / join-01
  :ARG1 (h / have-org-role-91
          :ARG0 (p / person :name (n2 / name :op1 "Pierre" :op2 "Vinken"))
          :ARG1 (b / board)
          :ARG2 (d / director
                  :mod (e / executive :polarity -)))
  :time (d2 / date-entity :month 11 :day 29))

the 2012 US presidential election

(e / elect-01
  :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91
          :ARG1 (c / country :name (n / name :op1 "US"))
          :ARG2 (p / president))
  :time (d / date-entity :year 2012))
uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

At the AMR phone meeting, we decided to go with Style 3, which means that we fill all slots of both have-org-role-91 and the change verb (such as become/nominate/appoint/elect/resign/fire).

By the way, as a consequence of have-org-role-91, our first PTB sentence is now :prep-X free. (y / yay :mode expressive)

Pierre Vinken , 61 years old , will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29 .

(j / join-01
  :ARG0 (p / person :name (p2 / name :op1 "Pierre" :op2 "Vinken")
          :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 61
                 :unit (y / year)))
  :ARG1 (b / board
          :ARG1-of (h / have-org-role-91
                     :ARG0 p
                     :ARG2 (d2 / director
                              :mod (e / executive :polarity -))))
  :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 29))
cbonial commented 10 years ago

Some final comments, which I've emailed to Ulf but thought may be relevant to everyone, on have-org-role-91 usage in the latest release:

1) I've tried to make a distinction for certain terms that can either refer to individuals or the collective. For example, "police," "troops," "force." Where these refer to the entire organization, (e.g. Local police, Indian Troops, Air Force/space forces) I have not included any have-org information, but have referred to this as a group, possibly with a :poss indicating the country/state etc (police :poss state California). I think this is more consistent with our treatment of organizations within a government. Where it seems that the text is referring to individuals/actions of individuals within that group, I've used person with have-org-role instead of just referring to the group.

2) I've erred on the side of "have-org-role" for "expert," (despite some ongoing issues brought up on github) but I've tried to be conservative about including what could be a nationality as the arg1 of have-org-role. So for example, "Indian experts" would not have India as the arg1 unless this was further clarified by the context.

3) I've made a distinction between "militant" the adjective and "militant" the person. For the adjective, I've just left this as :mod (e.g. group :mod militant) instead of breaking this down into a group consisting of militants. For militant persons, I've used have-org-role :arg2 militant,

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

Very interesting. And reasonable. Thanks for sharing, Claire!

nschneid commented 10 years ago

possibly with a :poss indicating the country/state etc (police :poss state California). I think this is more consistent with our treatment of organizations within a government.

Didn't we decide to move away from :poss in favor of :part-of for sub-organizations? I see consensus examples with :part-of for "Chrysler Corp. 's Chrysler division" and "department of Electric Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University".