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Remaining Checker likely errors in cjconsensus #89

Closed mgeorgescu closed 10 years ago

mgeorgescu commented 10 years ago

Hi Ulf and all,

Below i listed some of the remaining likely AMR errors reported by the checker and which we did not correct as we considered them to be acceptable.

  1. familiar >familiarize-01

We considered that the mapping of familiar to familiarize is acceptable as the frame offered good arguments.

PROXY_AFP_ENG_20030718_0132.12 A European official familiar with internal Chinese reports on the findings and Chinese diplomats were quoted in the newspaper as stating that the reprocessed plutonium is estimated to be sufficient to make at least 1 nuclear device .

(q / quote-01
     :ARG0 (n3 / newspaper)
     :ARG1 (a / and
          :op1 (p2 / person
               :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
                    :ARG1 (c / continent
                         :name (n / name :op1 "Europe"))
                    :ARG2 (o / official))
               :ARG1-of (f / familiarize-01 E N
                    :ARG2 (r2 / report-01
                         :ARG0 (c3 / country
                              :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))
                         :ARG1 (t / thing
                              :ARG1-of (f2 / find-01))
                         :mod (i / internal))))
          :op2 (p3 / person
               :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91
                    :ARG1 c3
                    :ARG2 (d / diplomat))))
     :ARG2 (e / estimate-01
          :ARG1 (p / plutonium
               :ARG1-of (r / reprocess-01))
          :ARG2 (s / suffice-01
               :ARG0 p
               :ARG1 (m / make-01
                    :ARG1 (d2 / device
                         :mod (n4 / nucleus)
                         :quant (a2 / at-least
                              :op1 1)))))) 
  1. suspicious >suspect-01

 Bank officials were suspicious and alerted authorities who investigated the case and confiscated the money .

(a / and
     :op1 (s / suspect-01 N
          :ARG0 (p / person
               :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
                    :ARG1 (b / bank)
                    :ARG2 (o / official))))
     :op2 (a2 / alert-01
          :ARG0 p
          :ARG1 (a3 / authority
               :ARG0-of (i / investigate-01
                    :ARG1 (c2 / case))
               :ARG0-of (c / confiscate-01
                    :ARG1 (m / money))))) 
  1. symbol > symbolize-01

PROXY_AFP_ENG_20040807_0076.17   Yasukuni Shrine is widely seen in Asia as a symbol of Japan 's militarism .

(s / see-01
     :ARG1 (w / worship-place
          :name (n / name :op1 "Yasukuni" :op2 "Shrine"))
     :ARG2 (t / thing
          :ARG1-of (s2 / symbolize-01 N
               :ARG2 (m / militarism
                    :mod (c / country
                         :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan")))))
     :mod (w2 / wide)
     :location (c2 / continent
          :name (n3 / name :op1 "Asia"))) 
  1. natural > nature

PROXY_AFP_ENG_20051018_0064.3 weather and natural disaster ; war and conflict ; terrorism

(a / and
     :op1 (a2 / and
          :op1 (w / weather)
          :op2 (d / disaster
               :mod (n / nature E)))
     :op2 (a3 / and
          :op1 (w2 / war)
          :op2 (c / conflict-01))
     :op3 (t / terrorism)) 

PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070331_0467.10 Firearms fuel the illegal exploitation of natural resources and abet terrorism and other crimes .

(a / and
     :op1 (f / fuel-01
          :ARG0 (f3 / firearm)
          :ARG1 (e / exploit-01
               :ARG1 (r / resource
                    :mod (n / nature E))
               :mod (l / law
                    :polarity -)))
     :op2 (a3 / abet-01
          :ARG0 f3
          :ARG1 (a4 / and
               :op1 (t / terrorism)
               :op2 (c / crime
                    :mod (o / other))))) 
  1. commander > command-02

This should be tolerated as we decided that we can go for commander to "person that commands" when we have specified the thing commanded.

PROXY_AFP_ENG_20070430_0038.13   Sangin is said to be home to some Taliban leaders including the Taliban 's military operations commander for the South Mullah Dadullah .

(s / say-01
     :ARG1 (h / home
          :prep-to (p / person
               :ARG0-of (l / lead-02
                    :ARG1 (c4 / criminal-organization
                         :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taliban")))
               :ARG2-of (i / include-01
                    :ARG1 (p2 / person
                         :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mullah" :op2 "Dadullah")
                         :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91
                              :ARG1 c4
                              :ARG3 (c3 / command-02 E N
                                   :ARG1 (o / operation
                                        :mod (m / military)
                                        :location (s3 / south))))))
               :quant (s2 / some))
          :domain (c / city
               :name (n / name :op1 "Sangin")))) 
  1. opposition > oppose-01

We cannot always map to oppose-01 (unless we maybe add some implied concepts like "political-party"), so maybe the checker can tolerate for opposition either oppose-01 or opposition. Some examples below:

The United States and Britain invaded Iraq nearly a year ago despite massive international opposition .

(i / invade-01
     :ARG0 (a / and
          :op1 (c / country
               :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))
          :op2 (c2 / country
               :name (n2 / name :op1 "Britain")))
     :ARG1 (c3 / country
          :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iraq"))
     :time (a2 / ago
          :op1 (t / temporal-quantity
               :unit (y / year)
               :quant (x / 1
                    :mod (n4 / near))))
     :concession (o / opposition
          :mod (i2 / international)
          :mod (m / massive))) 


PROXY_AFP_ENG_20080521_0475.10 A Japanese government upper house official stated that the Japanese government 's opposition @-@ controlled upper house voted 221 to 14 to revise a 690000 parliamentary resolution limiting Japan 's use of space to non @-@ military applications .

(s / state-01
     :ARG0 (p2 / person
          :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91
               :ARG1 (g / government-organization
                    :name (n4 / name :op1 "Upper" :op2 "House")
                    :part-of (g2 / government-organization
                         :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01
                              :ARG1 (c / country
                                   :name (n / name :op1 "Japan")))))
               :ARG2 (o / official)))
     :ARG1 (v2 / vote-01
          :ARG0 (g4 / government-organization
               :name n4
               :part-of g2
               :ARG1-of (c3 / control-01
                    :ARG0 (o2 / opposition)))
          :ARG1 (r / revise-01
               :ARG1 (r2 / resolution
                    :time (d / date-entity
                         :year 1969)
                    :ARG0-of (l / limit-01
                         :ARG1 (u / use-01
                              :ARG0 c
                              :ARG1 (s2 / space)
                              :ARG2 (a / application
                                   :mod (m / military
                                        :polarity -))))
                    :source (p / parliament)))
          :ARG2 (s3 / score-entity
               :op1 221
               :op2 14))) 

Thank you for your feedback.

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

Hi Madalina, I agree that a well-fitting verb frame can overwrite "likely error" objections by the checker. So I would agree with you and your AMRs in the first six cases. As for opposition, however, I would suggest to use oppose-01 after all.

In the first case "despite massive international opposition", no :ARG0 needs to be specified, as "opposition" refers to the process of opposing.

(i / invade-01
  :concession (o / oppose-01
                :ARG1 i
                :degree (m / massive)
                :location (i2 / international)))

And in the second case, I would indeed cast opposition as the (implied) political-party opposing the government.

mgeorgescu commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the feedback.