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Multiple occurences of intensifiers #93

Open mgeorgescu opened 10 years ago

mgeorgescu commented 10 years ago

In examples where the intensifier is repeated:

"I am very very very delighted that he could join us."

Should we keep only one instance of the degree or have a nested structure:

   :degree (v / very)
      :degree (v1 / very)
         :degree (v2 / very)

Thank you, madalina

uhermjakob commented 10 years ago

I would lean towards a simple single :degree

(d / delight-01
  :degree (v / very))

But I have to admit than when I post-edited my section of The Little Prince, I could not bring myself to change the rather creative AMR by one of the LDC annotators:

Little Prince sentence 319: "No , no no !

(n / no :quant 3)