amrsa1 / Android-Emulator-image

The use of this Docker image simplifies the process of running an Android emulator within a Docker container
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Headless Android Emulator Questions #4

Closed cah-dante-taylor closed 1 year ago

cah-dante-taylor commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a few questions regarding running the android emulator in headless mode. When running the emulator it seems that the devices are not being found. Also could you explain how the appium server will work and VNC in headless mode? I have screenshots attached at the bottom for reference.

image image image
cah-dante-taylor commented 1 year ago

After designating the headless emulator command and specifying the emulator the adb was still unable to be found.

amrsa1 commented 1 year ago

Will look into it, and get back to you.

cah-dante-taylor commented 1 year ago

Awesome thank you so much!

amrsa1 commented 1 year ago


Firts the shell script file name called not bootstrap (check the read me)

Regarding the screenshot your are showing, you cant use docker exec -it .... ./ then append it with command you have wrote, it will not override the command in the shell script

But you can try to run the command itself using bash command

Docker exec -it containerName bash

Then use the command for emulator

Try using -gpu off or -gpu host, also try to add -verbose to see the error log