amrsekilly / AMA

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Video Requests/Votes #1

Open amrsekilly opened 4 years ago

amrsekilly commented 4 years ago

If you want me to make a video talking about a specific topic, please type your idea here. Or vote on others' ideas to prioritize these videos.

amrsekilly commented 4 years ago

How to publish a package to NPM

ghost commented 4 years ago

والله انت محترم جدا يا بشمهندس انا ذاكرت تراك الفرونت اند واتعلمت ريآكت كفريمورك كنت محتاج اعرف من فضلك ايه نوع المشاريع اللي اعملها واحطها في البورتفوليو وهل يجب ان تكون مشاريع معقدة ولا عشان انا لسة حد

Alfacard commented 4 years ago

Hey Amr, my name is Mostafa Younes and i want you to answer my questions .

firstly { How can i make a search bar functional ( search bar that filters and search bar that searches in all the products in the site while I use vanilla Js) }

secondly { I made a freelance account ( on Upwork and Freelancer ) and i failed (100%) to make anyone hire me and i saw videos that help but nothing changed } reply soon.

love, Mostafa Younes

amrsekilly commented 4 years ago

@Alfacard can you please post the source code for the things you tried here?

Alfacard commented 4 years ago

this filter the (table element) : and i want to filter the products or even cards. The other things r Jquery and I deleted them :(

Alfacard commented 4 years ago

and the last issue is to copyright photos. I dont know how.

mohammedsobhi commented 4 years ago

دايما بكون خايف من هاجس ان متلاقيش شغل بعد التعب والتعليم ده كله ... انا لسه لازلت في مرحلة التعليم .. ممكن اعرف اطلع برودكت دلوقتي بس اكيد هيكون ضعيف الكفاءه بحكم اني لسه بتعلم .... فا من فضلك يا بشمهندس ممكن تعمل فيديو عن الحاجات اللي الواحد ممكن يعملها وهو بيتعلم عشان يضمن نوعا ما انه ماشي صح او حاجات اعملها في بروسيس التعلم بتاعتي هتضمنلي فرص افضل لو عملتها

AbdallahHemdan commented 4 years ago

@amrsekilly Video request about CSS methodologies like BEM and ITCSS

amrsekilly commented 4 years ago

React Portals Explained