amsbr / OctoPrint-EEPROM-Marlin

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FR - Indicate units in the Settings webpage #36

Open OutsourcedGuru opened 6 years ago

OutsourcedGuru commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-09-21 at 3 06 37 pm

As seen in the screenshot, the report back from the Marlin-based firmware indicates the shown numbers. Unfortunately, only part of the information is available: "300 mm" steps per unit without revealing that this is actually 300 mm/sec as reported by an M501 command:

Recv: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
Recv: echo:  M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z6.00 E25.00

The complication then is how OctoPrint's own printer profile screen works.

screen shot 2018-09-21 at 2 17 58 pm

As seen here, all the settings are in mm/min rather than the Marlin default of mm/sec. So presumably that 80mm/sec figure translates into 4800mm/min rather than the default 6000mm/min, as seen.

I would suggest that the EEPROM Marlin plugin (since it is specific for Marlin) go ahead and indicate that the units are in mm/sec for the set of input fields and have an onMouseOver() event or a title attribute of some kind in the interface which would indicate this again in the mm/min units, as converted. Hovering over the entered "80" would then do the "times 60" math and display the result.

OutsourcedGuru commented 6 years ago

I've done a PR to adjust this, btw.