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Report Generation #32

Open monicabritton opened 7 years ago

monicabritton commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to be able to generate a csv or tsv report from the main Projects page.

(I was trying to cross-reference GLIMS projects' status with project directories and it seems the only way to do it is to look them up one-by-one.)


amschaal commented 7 years ago

An export is now available at the bottom of the projects page. You have to select the project type and an export format. Note that this does not apply any of your filters, and will export ALL projects of that type.

monicabritton commented 6 years ago

The "XLS" option doesn't work, gives an error page that begins with: TypeError at /api/projects/export/ can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

However, in other software (e.g., egreg), the XLS option gives odd results when opened in LibreOffice. There, the XLSX option works much better.

So, suggestion is to fix XLS and add XLSX option OR drop XLS and add XLSX function.

(CSV export works fine.)

monicabritton commented 6 years ago

Another "odd" thing: I exported as csv so I could parse the file command-line, and noticed the number of lines in the csv far exceeded the number of projects. Finally realized that new-lines included in any of the fields create new-lines in the csv. Such new-lines are generally the result of copying and pasting (say, from emails into the description field), and are very desirable to keep in the GUI view. (Don't want everything squished together.)

BTW, importing the CSV into a spreadsheet (LibreOffice) works correctly... somehow the spreadsheet software knows which commas are field separators.