amtgard / ORK3

Version 3 of the Online Record Keeper
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Report/PlayerAwards not returning multiple awards on same date #224

Closed kenwalker closed 5 years ago

kenwalker commented 5 years ago

If you look at the following player profile and their awards, they were awarded 2 Garbers on the same date 2003-01-01. They should have a total of 8 Garbers.

If you run the park report for awards, this same person then shows up with only 7 Garbers.

I think the query has a distinct set that includes the date? But I have no idea really ;-) I'm trying to write some kingdom reports for Iron Mountains and this is interfering with accuracy of the report. Is there a way to not set distinct on the date but the rest?

kenwalker commented 5 years ago

If I add awards_id following to the query, then all the items for that player are returned. There are quite a few changes overall for the kingdom though. Would need to ensure they were legitimate changes

award_name, m.persona,, ma.awards_id, m.mundane_id, ma.rank

Glenalth commented 5 years ago

Technically they have 8 0th level garbers, that alone will confuse most of the reports. They need to be reentered with actual levels at some point.

Just counting number of orders is going to get weird for players that have multiples of one tier or skipped tiers.

kenwalker commented 5 years ago

I have code that counts them and takes max of that or Rank. Seems to work fairly well. It's what I'm using in mORK (which only queries current player) and a new tool for ladder candidates. It's not optimal, yes, they should be entered properly. But for now, the reports should at least return them all.

kenwalker commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure this was fixed by
