amtgard / ORK3

Version 3 of the Online Record Keeper
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Global suspended players report missing real names #236

Open Glenalth opened 4 years ago

Glenalth commented 4 years ago

The report here is missing mundane name information when being viewed by logged in officers and admins. Kingdom level reports seem to be functioning properly by blanking the field normally, but filling it in for officers.

jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

@Glenalth can you confirm this view needs names? I want to be sure they weren't removed per the COM request in 2019 for legal issues.

Glenalth commented 3 years ago

Mundane names should be visible for officers or else it is a useless report. I don't know what the COM request was and am not included on such things.

jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

@Glenalth right now the report will show names for people that have EDIT privileges for the Park/Kingdom the report is being run against. There isn't a check in place to determine if a logged in user is a kingdom officer or admin to determine if the fields should be shown.

I'll reach out to my KD rep to hit the COM up with the question of allowing persons from another org(kingdom) see the mundane names of persons not in their org (kingdom).

if (strlen($request['Token']) > 0 && ($mundane_id = Ork3::$Lib->authorization->IsAuthorized($request['Token'])) > 0 && Ork3::$Lib->authorization->HasAuthority($mundane_id, $request['Type'], $request['Id'], AUTH_EDIT)) { $restricted_access = true; } else { $restricted_access = false; }

    `                               'GivenName' => $restricted_access&&$r->restricted==0?$r->given_name:"",
                            'Surname' => $restricted_access&&$r->restricted==0?$r->surname:"",
                            'OtherName' => $restricted_access&&$r->restricted==0?$r->other_name:"",`
jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

AIBOD will be discussing this in their upcoming meeting. I will post feedback once I receive their direction.

jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

Agenda item was pushed to this Friday (tomorrow). Still waiting for AIBOD response to move forward.

jrtaylor-com commented 2 years ago

Sent a followup email to AIBOD.