amtgard / ORK3

Version 3 of the Online Record Keeper
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[Feature Request] Pronoun Field #256

Closed jkat718 closed 1 year ago

jkat718 commented 3 years ago

A player approached me and asked if I could request that a field be added to the ORK for a player to put their pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, xe/xir/xirs, and so on). I told them I'd follow up with the ORK team, so I'm submitting a feature request ticket on their behalf. Is this within the scope of the ORK? I think it's probably a better place for it than the Amtwiki, which is the current solution I give people who ask me about this.

Glenalth commented 3 years ago

It should be made available somewhere. At the moment the only real personal information we store on the ORK account is player name and even that is hidden from most users. Adding more visible personal information is something that would need to be looked into.

jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

@jkat718 can you provide a full list of the "So On" ? It's easier to approach from a technical aspect if all of the requirements are listed. Thanks!

jrtaylor-com commented 3 years ago

I spoke with Dallen about this yesterday and have an idea of what can be used referencing a link that was provided:

Glenalth commented 3 years ago

It might be a better option to put on the Wiki instead of adding more personal information to the ORK.

LealFitzmorgan commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to upvote this ticket! Game pronouns aren't always the same as mundane pronouns for folks so it might not even be something that might be considered personal information in that sense.

ValoryFox commented 2 years ago

Agreed! My suggestion for the specific input field would be a + combo box. Have he/him she/her and they/them as default suggestions, maybe with the addition of "Ask me" & "Any pronouns"? That way people can type any neopronouns or other descriptions.

jrtaylor-com commented 1 year ago

Feature is live with 2022NOV-19-RELEASE