(Fix) Updated player dues display to hide expiration of Dues For Life records (Tzulah)
(Fix) Unit website URL now editable on the Unit Admin page (Tzulah)
(Fix) Updated sorting of Dues Paid list (Himanshu)
(Fix) Updated old reports to use the new dues table (Fog)
(Enhancement) Added confirmation dialogs to Player Admin (remove award, remove title, strip awards, remove unit, remove historic note) (Fog)
(Fix) Issue with GivenBy not working on Player Admin
Changelog (Fix) Updated player dues display to hide expiration of Dues For Life records (Tzulah) (Fix) Unit website URL now editable on the Unit Admin page (Tzulah) (Fix) Updated sorting of Dues Paid list (Himanshu) (Fix) Updated old reports to use the new dues table (Fog) (Enhancement) Added confirmation dialogs to Player Admin (remove award, remove title, strip awards, remove unit, remove historic note) (Fog) (Fix) Issue with GivenBy not working on Player Admin