amtoine / dotfiles

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some work on the install script #68

Closed amtoine closed 1 year ago

amtoine commented 1 year ago

This PR should address most of the points in #35.

amtoine commented 1 year ago


see git diff 1e6ca0e^..ceeee65 or the diff on GitHub

here, i fixed most of the points in #35 and refactored the script into functions

see git diff 6bf4098^..e46bb21 or the diff on GitHub

here, i refactored all the hardcoded values into constants at the top and created lists of things to iterate over them and avoid redundant code, such as the ./ x86_64/... or sudo systemctl enable ...

see git diff 842a8da^..31a8bdc or the diff on GitHub

in these last changes, i tried to fix bugs that occured in a VM, mainly typos and pulling the files at the right places for now :+1:

remaining bugs to be fixed and features to be implemented

amtoine commented 1 year ago


see git diff f25476e^..b7fc147 or the diff on GitHub

regarding #35 itself

the changes

in the order that they appear in the f25476e^..b7fc147 above


apart from the missing dependencies, i've tried the script in a VM and it runs until completion :ok_hand:

there sould be an error on the paru packages, as the name is not correct anymore :point_right: this is addressed in #67 and applying the same changes works fine as well :+1:

after that, the script should work fine and print a :green_circle: message at the end :tada: you can reboot and have an incomplete system, but running :+1:

things like dmscripts, ghq, ..., are missing i would like to fix all of these dependency issues once and for all in #43, and leave the script as-is for now :relieved:

amtoine commented 1 year ago

I read the script and it looks very good at first sight.

noice :yum:

I have several problems with VM currently so I cannot try to run it right now, but I will do it soon on another computer.

no worries, let's take some time to test this :wink:

amtoine commented 1 year ago

@atxr i've launched a vanilla Arch Linux VM and recorded the installation


the rushes



in the end... it works :tada:

minor things broken, but sddm is here, as well as a wallpaper! bspwm and sxhkd allow to open and manage windows. alacritty and nushell are working :ok_hand:

amtoine commented 1 year ago

Awesome work! That's very clean!


Would you like me to test? I mean if you tested on a fresh VM that sounds good for me!

here's what we can do:

  • try to test this is a VM, possibly by removing the big dependencies such as goat-paru-git and goat-wallpapers-git, during the afternoon
  • if you do not have the time and do not post anything here by, let's say, 6 PM, i'll merge
  • otherwise, you might be able to catch a few more things to change before merging :relieved:

sounds good? :smirk:

amtoine commented 1 year ago

it's been 24+h since yesterday so, ready or not, here it comes :muscle: