amtrack / sfdx-plugin-source-read

sfdx plugin to read Metadata via CRUD Metadata API
36 stars 4 forks source link

Retrieving invalid tabs #66

Closed jonny-harte closed 8 months ago

jonny-harte commented 1 year ago

Hi, when I do a profile retrieve from a refreshed sandbox the below list of tabs get added. However, when I try to deploy the profile back to the same sandbox (or other sandboxes) they error saying they're invalid tabs?

=== Deploy Errors
You can't edit tab settings for AccountAccountRelation, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for WorkTypeCareSpecialty, as it's not a valid tab.       
You can't edit tab settings for ActionPlanTemplateAssignment, as it's not a valid tab.
You can't edit tab settings for ActiveScratchOrg, as it's not a valid tab.            
You can't edit tab settings for AppointmentReason, as it's not a valid tab.           
You can't edit tab settings for ApptReasonEngmtChannelType, as it's not a valid tab.  
You can't edit tab settings for CarePlan, as it's not a valid tab.                    
You can't edit tab settings for CarePlanTemplate, as it's not a valid tab.            
You can't edit tab settings for CarePlanTemplateBenefit, as it's not a valid tab.     
You can't edit tab settings for CarePlanTemplateGoal, as it's not a valid tab.        
You can't edit tab settings for CarePractnFacilityAppt, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for CaseParticipant, as it's not a valid tab.             
You can't edit tab settings for ChannelProgram, as it's not a valid tab.              
You can't edit tab settings for ChannelProgramLevel, as it's not a valid tab.         
You can't edit tab settings for ContactContactRelation, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for ContractPaymentAgreement, as it's not a valid tab.    
You can't edit tab settings for GoalAssignment, as it's not a valid tab.              
You can't edit tab settings for GoalDefinition, as it's not a valid tab.              
You can't edit tab settings for IndividualApplication, as it's not a valid tab.       
You can't edit tab settings for InspectionAppOnDesktop, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for LearningItem, as it's not a valid tab.                
You can't edit tab settings for LightningInstrumentation, as it's not a valid tab.    
You can't edit tab settings for NamespaceRegistry, as it's not a valid tab.           
You can't edit tab settings for PartnerFundAllocation, as it's not a valid tab.       
You can't edit tab settings for PartnerFundClaim, as it's not a valid tab.            
You can't edit tab settings for PartnerFundRequest, as it's not a valid tab.          
You can't edit tab settings for PartnerMarketingBudget, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for PartyRoleRelation, as it's not a valid tab.           
You can't edit tab settings for ProblemDefinition, as it's not a valid tab.           
You can't edit tab settings for ProviderNetworkContract, as it's not a valid tab.     
You can't edit tab settings for SalesCoachHome, as it's not a valid tab.              
You can't edit tab settings for ScratchOrgInfo, as it's not a valid tab.              
You can't edit tab settings for PartyRelationshipGroup, as it's not a valid tab.      
You can't edit tab settings for WorkTypeCodeSetBundle, as it's not a valid tab.       
You can't edit tab settings for AccountRelationship, as it's not a valid tab. 
amtrack commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonny-harte, unfortunately this is what the CRUD-Based Metadata API returns.

This simple sfdx plugin is only making the API available as a command. It does not attempt to fix/workaround the issues of the API.

I faced the same issue when trying to modify a Profile programmatically. Here I excluded all tabSettings as a hack because I wasn't interested in them (similar to this thread) But I know this is not a real solution. If you have some time, it would be best to report this to Salesforce directly.