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'All-platform' P2P client based on eMule
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migrate from QT4 to QT5 #110

Open sandrotosi opened 6 years ago

sandrotosi commented 6 years ago

Hello, this was just reported in Debian as

Hi! As you might know we the Qt/KDE team are preparing to remove Qt4
as [announced] in:

[announced] <>

Currently Qt4 has been dead upstream and we are starting to have problems
maintaining it, like for example in the [OpenSSL 1.1 support] case.

[OpenSSL 1.1 support] <>

In order to make this move, all packages directly or indirectly depending on
the Qt4 libraries have to either get ported to Qt5 or eventually get
removed from the Debian repositories.

Therefore, please take the time and:
- contact your upstream (if existing) and ask about the state of a Qt5
port of your application
- if there are no activities regarding porting, investigate whether there are
suitable alternatives for your users
- if there is a Qt5 port that is not yet packaged, consider packaging it
- if both the Qt4 and the Qt5 versions already coexist in the Debian
archives, consider removing the Qt4 version

= Porting =

Some of us where involved in various Qt4 to Qt5 migrations [migration] and we
know for sure that porting stuff from Qt4 to Qt5 is much much easier and less
painful than it was from Qt3 to Qt4.

We also understand that there is still a lot of software still using Qt4.

Don't forget to take a look at the C++ API changes page [apichanges] whenever
you start porting your application.


For any questions and issues, do not hesitate to contact the Debian Qt/KDE
team at

The removal is being tracked in <>

could you please migrate from qt4 to qt5? thanks!

gonosztopi commented 6 years ago

The only thing using Qt in aMule is the KDE plasma applet, which is kind of a user-contributed and user-maintained project (by @Vollstrecker). Unless he finds some time to migrate it or someone contributes a patch for the migration I can only suggest removing the KDE plasma applet from the Debian package. Although this would be a sad thing to do, I'm absolutely sure I won't have the time to migrate it myself.

Vollstrecker commented 6 years ago

Ich started migration some time Agora, but it seems that all the path-detection stuff only works reliable when using cmake. In fact that was the original reason why I started the cmake port.

So for Nowgorod, the deactivation is the only solution for this problem.

sandrotosi commented 6 years ago

thanks guys! i'm going to comment out the packaging code, so that we'll be able to re-enable it as soon as we have a working port

HumanG33k commented 4 years ago

Some news about this issue ?

Vollstrecker commented 4 years ago

cmake on linux works including download and build of deps, excluding crosscompile. On Win compile works, download and build is work in progress. Mac is not tested at all atm. When cmake is done, I can start with this issue.

barracuda156 commented 10 months ago

consider removing the Qt4 version

There are platforms where Qt4 is the last supported version. Please consider other users besides those of Debian.

Vollstrecker commented 10 months ago

Qt4 was end of life more than 7 years ago. I always hear Debian ships outdated software. Such old systems are kept alive for some reasons (like running old Cobol software noone can update) in some big old companies. Noone should use such systems on a desktop or on a server that's connected to the internet. If you don't want to update, then be happy as long as it works.