amule-project / amule

'All-platform' P2P client based on eMule
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amule is not working in ubuntu 17.04 - 18.04 - 18.10 - 19.04. #136

Open felisucoibi opened 6 years ago

felisucoibi commented 6 years ago

it runs, but if you close all the tabs of searchs crashes, if you scroll down a searc result crashes... it crashes all the time...pleaseupgrade the ubuntu version and also merge the pending prs....

nachtgeist commented 5 years ago

Nothing upstream can do about this. Try reporting this at launchpad…

onlyjob commented 5 years ago

Although launchpad would be correct place to report ubuntu bugs, it would likely to be useless. Launchpad is the graveyard of bugs. Because ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, most ubuntu bugs (for ~98% of all packages) remain without action, until something happens on Debian side. Ubuntu only care for some essential packages (up to 2% of all packages) and the rest are effectively unmaintained...

nachtgeist commented 5 years ago

Just to make it clear: I wasn't speaking for upstream and i'm not really into Ubuntu.

That said, this reads like #117/#125. On the Debian side, sadly, amule seems to be somewhat abandoned as well and there most certainly won't be any reaction on their end until that gets merged here...

sandrotosi commented 5 years ago

(Disclaimer: I'm the Debian maintainer for amule) @nachtgeist: What is that makes you think amule is unmaintained in Debian?

It is common practice to have upstream review changes and have them merged before being integrated in downstream work (like Debian).

onlyjob commented 5 years ago

Upstream is the lead. Ideally authoritative changes should happen here before downstream adoption. Sometimes bugs are detected and first fixed downstream (in GNU/Linux distributions) but then patches should be incorporated here for everyone's benefit.

nachtgeist commented 5 years ago

@sandrotosi Well. Basically, I got impatient. My comment about amule being abandoned in Debian wasn't really warranted. Sorry for that.

toroto812 commented 5 years ago

It works by me on debian and ubuntu, but you have to change a file in your home directory in .amule. I think the problem is the GeoIP.dat. You have to unzip the folder (MS-GitHub dont allow to uplade code as Attach :( )

(sorry for my English , Can some where please resolve #129, it where better to resolve configuration problem on the forum no?, and use issus more for the programmers and contribution on the project)

toroto812 commented 5 years ago

@felisucoibi please tell us if it works or no, tanks

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

is not working this geoip, crashes anyway.

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

same issue in ubuntu 19.04, bests

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

still not working well after almost 4 years....ubuntu should remove amule from it's repos....

Vollstrecker commented 5 years ago

Yeah, it's better to have no ed2k-client instead of one which has a problem that you know. Just keep the last search-tab open, and it's fine.

This is a known problem, maybe someo one knows the solution, too. But it's very likely that he either retired from the project, or that it needs changes on the gui, which is (you know the wx-designer is dead) a bigger task.

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

I know, and could be nice a kickstart campaign because is not fair linux users we dont have a e2k client. Strange in fact. I just can't use edk network, for bt i have transmission, for dc++ eisklt, retroshare, but i cant acess to e2k network because there is not a client, it's broken for 4-5 years. For me is ok to pay somebody to make a new modern e2k client, its fair, in a free software way of coruse.

By now i have a w10 vm ony for edonkey.

is nto working to keep the last search opened, it crashes searching, scroklling, closing tambs, just launching.... crash all the time.

I'm going t test the debian one...maybe i'm lucky...

glubsy commented 5 years ago

@felisucoibi it would be appreciated (and surely much more useful) to also include some traceback, some logs, anything that would help reproduce the bug and investigate in a debugger.

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

Well, atm is not just a small bug or something hard to find that needs these logs, any install of amule in any ubuntu version will break after using search and scroll, it's completely broken, i mean is not something you need more information, it just don'0t work for any user... it will self close again and again and again.... in ubuntu 19.04 and below

Vollstrecker commented 5 years ago

Not only that it is hard to find, for ne it‘s just not reproduceable. First I would guess it‘s an Ubuntu problem, but I think we have reports from other systems, top.

I tried with a build from my cmake branch, and there just nothing happens when I close the tabs. Maybe you can try that.

Die you consider just not closing the tab?

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

Oks i ll send more info later, i dont clase Any Tab, i Just use search, download some files browse search results, search again all this crash amule, I don't close any tab.

felisucoibi commented 5 years ago

When i search for something firsts results appear and this is the only log it gives.... Violación de segmento (`core' generado) segmentation fault.

But is kind of randome, it crash only in search results, when i search, or when i scroll down search results, is like something gets very unstable there....

viaprenestina commented 5 years ago

It crasceh everytime the scroll bar appears. It is a problem with the GUI

javajox commented 5 years ago

It is crashing for me also. The crash is happening during search, when I get multiple results. My environment - uname -a

4.15.0-62-generic #69-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 4 20:55:53 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

aMule has been installed from Ubuntu software repository

tbo47 commented 5 years ago

He doesn't help but amule (amuled and amulegui) works like a charm on Debian 10 and Debian sid.

pirate486743186 commented 4 years ago

@sandrotosi It was removed from ubuntu 20.04, because it was removed from debian testing.

Can you please add back amuled and amule-utils? They don't depend on gui stuff...

sc0w commented 4 years ago

I think amule needs a git stable branch in every new version to cherry-pick bugfixes there, and to release new versions to stable branch time to time.

And it needs more active members in the team.

luxigo commented 4 years ago

Here is a quick workaround using docker-ce

Install docker-ce:

Allow the current user to run docker:

Then run the script below:

set -e                                                    

pushd .                                                   

mkdir -p /tmp/amule-docker                                
cd /tmp/amule-docker                                      

cat > Dockerfile << 'EOF'                                 
FROM debian:stable                                        
ARG user=amule                                            

RUN apt-get update \                                      
 && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends amule \    
 && useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash $user         

WORKDIR /home/$user                                       
USER $user                                                

EXPOSE 4662                                               
EXPOSE 4665/udp                                           
EXPOSE 4672/udp                                           

CMD ["/usr/bin/amule"]                                    

docker build . -t amule                                   


docker run --name=amule --rm=true -d -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v amule:/home/amule  -e DISPLAY amule

# access your files in /var/lib/docker/volumes/amule/_data/.aMule/