amuste / DnetIndexedDb

Blazor Library for IndexedDB DOM API
MIT License
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Writing Blobs? #45

Open Tailslide opened 3 years ago

Tailslide commented 3 years ago

Trying to wrap my head around writing blobs and I'm starting to think it's not possible with DnetIndexedDb.



I'm trying to reproduce this but can't seem to create a store without indexes I just get the error "store.indexes is not iterable"

Tailslide commented 3 years ago

Success !

I was able to add a store without indexes by passing in an empty index list. However, dnetindexeddb doesn't expose the .add method that lets you specify a key so I changed the function to allow that. Then, it seemed to want to write everything as an encoded string because of JSInterop marshalling.

So, I tried the unmarshalled interop here:

I was able to get the binary to javascript and convert it to a blob like:

const dataPtr = Blazor.platform.getArrayEntryPtr(item, 0, 4);
const length = Blazor.platform.getArrayLength(item);
var shorts = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer, dataPtr, length);
var blob = new Blob([shorts]);

There's got to be a more direct way? Anyways proof of concept!


benbaker76 commented 2 weeks ago

There's got to be a more direct way? Anyways proof of concept!

I changed it to use a Stream along with DotNetStreamReference which also removes the need for unmarshalled interop.

I will start a pull request from my fork.