amvillegas / StMoMo

Stochastic Mortality Modelling
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Life table #14

Closed earthcat12 closed 5 years ago

earthcat12 commented 5 years ago

I have mortality data from HMD and I used StMoMo package for the fitting and forecasting. One of the models I use is the Renshaw-Haberman. My code is:<-55:89
wxt<- genWeightMat(ages = 55:89, years = grstomo.male$years, clip = 3)
rh<-rh(link = "log", cohortAgeFun = "1")
rhfit.male<- fit(rh, data = grstomo.male, =, wxt=wxt)

Do you know how i can create a life table from this model?

Thank you

amvillegas commented 5 years ago

You should be able to get the rates, $\mu_{xt}$ using fitted(rhfit.male, type = "rates"). You can then these fitted rates to create a life table, e.g., using the lifecontingencies package