amw6765 / AssassinsCreedPROJECT

2021 DIGIT210 Project and Project Group
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Project Feedback #1

Open ebeshero opened 3 years ago

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

Please leave your comments and suggestions for our final phase of project development here!

arrowarchive commented 3 years ago

I'm impressed with this project! The statistics are really well done and easy to understand, I like how Ezio's color palette was used for the first two SVGs and the Cytoscape is phenomenal.

A few comments I have about the project involve the front page and the navigation bar. I like how the navigation bar is the same color as the text above it, but the text within it is difficult to read. I would suggest using a different color to make the text more legible, potentially to the same color as the background, and instead of changing the color of the background when hovering over it, maybe the text could change color. My other suggestion is to try making the text in the navigation bar bigger, as it is very small and, in my opinion, would look better if it lined up with the text above it.

My last critique is about the fonts used for the project. I feel like different fonts can be used to enhance the visual appeal. On my own research, I've found that Google has over 1000 open-source fonts available for use. Adding them to CSS files is a little confusing, but the most efficient way is to select a font and copy the code for it, like this: <link href="" rel="stylesheet">, but instead of copying the whole link, copy just this part: and paste it into a new tab. This will provide the font faces which can be added to the CSS files.

Overall, I am really impressed with what you have done, and I hope my feedback is helpful for finishing this website!

am0eba-byte commented 3 years ago

You guys did an amazing job with this project. I haven't even played Odyssey, but from watching people play it, I know that game is absolutely massive and there are ENDLESS lines of dialogue and cinematic cutscenes - and your graphs and visualizations showcase exactly the kinds of data one would wonder about involving this complex game! I'm very biased on this praise, but your Cytoscape network is seriously insane. Not only does it look beautiful, but it perfectly displays the immense interconnectivity between the characters in the game story. I really loved that you color-coded the interaction edges - but one thing I do wonder, (and maybe y'all could add before final submission if you get the time,) could you add a legend or something explaining what each of the colors represents? My inital assumption is that each colored line represents a chapter or a section of dialogue in which two characters are speaking to one another - so maybe you could represent which color signifies which chapter? (assuming the lines represent chapter relationships, I don't actually know) Super nifty project my dudes.

wdjacca commented 3 years ago

Your website looks so nice and the color schemes work so well together. The one thing that I noticed about the navigation bar and someone already mentioned it so I won't say much on it. I am super impressed with how your SVGs turned out, but I did notice some small issues. It seems like your graphs are a little too big for the page and is being cut off just the slightest bit. It is not enough to make the graph not understandable so that is nice but it would still help make the website look nicer:) Overall, great work and thank you for introducing me to the Odyessy:)

tomsheehy commented 3 years ago

I really loved what your graphs represented. The information in each of them showed really interesting connections to look at. Someone mentioned adding a legend and I thought that would be a good idea so that the graphs are more distinguishable. Also, I noticed a few typos or spelling errors but I continue to find them in my own so it seems pretty normal. I often write in a software that has spellcheck like Word and transfer my paragraphs over. Regardless, I really liked the outcome of your website and I thank you for sharing it with me.

Joelpie commented 3 years ago

The aesthetic of the site is awesome, it's super friendly on the eyes. The graphs are in-depth, easy to comprehend, and very informative. However, the text on the first bar graphs is a bit small, similarly to the text found in the code page, but a few zoom ins fixes this. The hover feature on the last bar graph is also a nice touch, and the dynamic colors add a lot. I think there might be something wrong with the html for the process, specifically in the header. The link to the characters page is broken from this page, but this could just be a problem with my browser.