amyjko / user-interface-software-and-technology

A book surveying the literature on user interface software and technology.
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Student issues on Chapter 1: History #133

Closed mara-kr closed 2 years ago

mara-kr commented 3 years ago

P2 " He called it the “Analytical Engine”, (delete comma) and conceived of it as a device..." P2 "And indeed, at the time, people were the bottleneck: if a banker wanted a list of numbers to be added, they needed to hire a computer..." P2 "Baggage’s (should be Babbage) “Analytical Engine” promised to do the work..." P2 "...was enamored by Babbage’s vision, writing about and eventually publishing ideas for the first algorithms intended to be executed by such a machine." P4: "As wars came to a close, some found the vision of computers as business and war machines as (delete 'as' here) too limiting. P4: "He wrote a 1945 article in The Atlantic Monthly, (italicize publication title) called “As We May Think.” P4: "In it, he envisioned a device called the “Memex,” (delete comma) in which people could store..." P8: (starting with "He then talked") "In his role in the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, (delete comma) and as a professor at MIT, Licklider funded or (should this be "and"?) facilitated the research that eventually led to..." P9: "Sketchpad, seen in the video above, (the video is below) allowed drawing ..."

one more example of this in this paragraph and in the following video

P12: "Many were truly inspired by the demo, (delete comma) and wanted to use the freedom Xerox had given them..."

Many examples of unnecessary commas used with "and" to separate two dependent clauses. They should only be used this way to separate independent clauses.

2nd to last P: "Around the same time as the release of the Macintosh, many computer scientists who had worked in computer graphics (a field started by Sutherland), (delete comma) spun off a new conference..." 2nd to last P: "This community brought together researchers interested in not only the useful output that computers could produce, but also the novel forms of input , (extra space before comma... but also delete the comma) and the interaction paradigms..."