This sample Android project demonstrates how to build the main UI of a Fire TV application in order to support both Touch interactions and Remote D-Pad controls.
Sorry for the long post but this isn't a good sample for people that want to port their TV apps to Fire TV auto.
Starting from your own guides on how to create a FireTV app, the recommended way to do so is by using the Androidx Leanback Library.
Leanback provides a lot of templates to simplify the creation of TV apps. It basically simplifies navigation and focus between the different elements that can be shown while using the D-pad.
This library wasn't clearly intended to be used with touch controls or mouse, there are a lot of issues that have been reported to google if one tries to run a leanback app on a tablet and many more things that could be added to this sample.
Video with RowsSupportFragment issues, one can see that even if I scroll a row, they don't gain focus and remain dimmed. Also sometimes scrolling up/down will make a jump to the focused card. This uses the new google sample with kotlin.
It'd be nice to have a sample of how to make a leanback app compatible with touch, instead of how to use RecyclerView and add some focusability properties.
Also an emulator for fireTV auto would be nice. An Emulator does the job for now, but there are some specific things of FireTV auto like no connectivity or automotive SDK that are cannot be tested.
We're interested in porting our fireTV auto but we would be fighting against the framework to make it work as intended.
Sorry for the long post but this isn't a good sample for people that want to port their TV apps to Fire TV auto. Starting from your own guides on how to create a FireTV app, the recommended way to do so is by using the Androidx Leanback Library.
Leanback provides a lot of templates to simplify the creation of TV apps. It basically simplifies navigation and focus between the different elements that can be shown while using the D-pad.
This library wasn't clearly intended to be used with touch controls or mouse, there are a lot of issues that have been reported to google if one tries to run a leanback app on a tablet and many more things that could be added to this sample.
For example:
It'd be nice to have a sample of how to make a leanback app compatible with touch, instead of how to use RecyclerView and add some focusability properties.
Also an emulator for fireTV auto would be nice. An Emulator does the job for now, but there are some specific things of FireTV auto like no connectivity or automotive SDK that are cannot be tested.
We're interested in porting our fireTV auto but we would be fighting against the framework to make it work as intended.