amzn / hawktracer

HawkTracer is a highly portable, low-overhead, configurable profiling tool built in Amazon Video for getting performance metrics from low-end devices.
MIT License
133 stars 31 forks source link

MacOS M1 installation not working #95

Open david-alvarez-rosa opened 10 months ago

david-alvarez-rosa commented 10 months ago

I'm following the installation steps listed in the official guideline

Installation succeeds, but then I'm getting the following error while run it in MacOS M1 laptop

❯ hawktracer-converter        
dyld[94689]: Symbol not found: __ZN10HawkTracer11ClientUtils17CommandLineParser15register_optionENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEENS1_10OptionInfoE
  Referenced from: <CED50F1E-85FA-317A-8C41-A2F5C3557917> /usr/local/bin/hawktracer-converter
  Expected in:     <no uuid> unknown
[1]    94689 abort      hawktracer-converter

However, when running directly given the full path in the build dir it runs fine

❯ ./client/hawktracer-converter        
Option --source must be specified
usage: ./client/hawktracer-converter [OPTION]...
  --help           Print this help
  --map <VALUE>    Comma-separated list of map files
  --source <VALUE> [MANDATORY] Data source description (either filename, or server address)
  --output <VALUE> Output file
  --format <VALUE> Output format. Supported formats: callgrind chrome-tracing 

Can you please help solving the installation issue? Thank you in advance.