amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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Does the Referesh Token ever expire #1209

Closed diegocvazquez closed 3 years ago

diegocvazquez commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have searched but I cannot find information about this, does the Referesh Token ever expire?


AmericanY commented 3 years ago

@diegocvazquez seems you mix things out! also please consider checking the document before posting here as some of your asked questions is already addressed there. check


diegocvazquez commented 3 years ago

@AmericanY What makes you think that I am mixing things out? I know that the refreshtoken is used to obtain an access Token in fact I was able to Implement successfully the website workflow and pulled data successfully. In the mws api you need to authorize a developer every 12 months. I am asking If the refeshtoken obtained after the app authorization ever expires in a way that you need to authorize the app again. Do do you need to generate the access token after a long period of time or it can be used to obtain accessToken for ever. What does long-lived 1 month 1 year for ever? Regards

charliecode commented 3 years ago

@diegocvazquez Valid question as I do not recall "long-lived" being defined in the docs. I also couldn't find the question previously answered in the issues. However, it is indicated that the Login with Amazon authorization server is being used to attain the refresh_token. So, as long as the SP-API team did not change anything, a "long-lived" refresh_token is valid indefinitely according to the definition given in the Login with Amazon docs. I wouldn't take that as law until verification is given. Regardless, your question is great and indicates this would be another good addition to the docs, to make things clearer as they did in the LWA docs.

diegocvazquez commented 3 years ago

@charliecode the reason why I am asking this is, in order to be able to prioritize the implementation in our application of some kind of notificacion in the case that I am not able to get an accessToken from the refreshToke, because for example, it has expired, doesnt matter if it is 1 year or 6 months. I also think the question valid, pehaps I was not clear asking the question, english is not my mother language, I will read more in detail the Login with Amazon docs perhaps I find more information about this.

Thanks for your support

charliecode commented 3 years ago

@diegocvazquez Your English is great, your question was great and I really appreciate your contribution to the community! 🙌

stefnats commented 3 years ago

@diegocvazquez no difficulties understanding at all! Please let me/us know what you found out, i couldn't find it.

Tomer781 commented 3 years ago

No activity on this issue for some time, but I think I have the answer for you guys.

Refresh tokens are valid indefinitely, unless the user has removed the website or mobile app from the list of allowed apps for their account.


It was said on LWA in general, but I think it's relevant for SP api, which uses LWA

diegocvazquez commented 3 years ago

@Tomer781 Well in that case I think it is clear now, will close this issue

all-iver commented 2 years ago

For anyone coming across this now, in Amazon's SP-API FAQ ( it says:

The refresh token expires after one year. This is identical to MWS token expiration.

jhhb commented 2 years ago

Can anyone verify if the refresh token is refreshed according to any of these options below:

  1. Does the refresh token become invalid one year from the time the refresh token was originally generated?


  1. Does the refresh token become invalid when the application for which it was generated expires?


  1. Does the refresh token become invalid 1 year after Amazon announced the 1-year expiry of refresh tokens,


  1. Another option?

The difference between 1 and 2 is important for a developer application because in the case of (1), it's necessary for the developer application to update the refresh token on the server, whereas in the case of (2), it's not necessary to do so, and the same token can be used indefinitely, as long as the application is up to date and recently renewed by the selling partner.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

haoxi911 commented 5 months ago

It has been a few years since this discussion. Could anyone confirm that SP-API's refresh token would expire in 1 year or not? I am building a public app for our customers, one of their refresh tokens is about to expire - if it will expire in 1 year.

rugved1991 commented 5 months ago

Hi @haoxi911,

We recommend refreshing authorization once a year. If you do not refresh the tokens, we would revoke access to the token. Please work with your sellers to reauthorize your applications once a year.

Best, Rugved Solutions Architect, SP-API

diegocvazquez commented 5 months ago

@haoxi911 I can confirm this, after one year the token expires and you need to refresh it.

haoxi911 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for confirming it! I have asked my customer to re-authorize the app.

In my use case, the refresh_token should have been expired 5 days ago, however it still works fine. I think Amazon might keep a refresh_token available for more than one year, though we should rotate it as a best practice.