amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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Get Technical Details from food products #2308

Closed vincent-the closed 2 years ago

vincent-the commented 2 years ago

I wanted to retrieve product data from food products, such as Technical Details, General Information, Nutrition Facts or Ingredients. Unfortunately these are not included in the response. I have to get this information about getCatalogItem or getListingsItem unfortunately this is not included.

This is how the information is presented on Amazon:


I think this is a general problem with food. That the information is not given there. Do you have any idea what to do about it?

sahin88 commented 2 years ago

Could you find some solution ?

chapmanjw commented 2 years ago

Requesting the attributes data when calling getCatalogItem should provide most or all of this data. For this ASIN in the DE marketplace, I get the following:

  "asin": "B003U2FC6M",
  "attributes": {
    "specialty": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Alkoholfrei",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "item_weight": [
        "unit": "grams",
        "value": 1200,
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "bullet_point": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Optimal um den Hunger zwischen den Mahlzeiten zu bekämpfen",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "stoppt das Magenknurren auf langen Autofahrten, auf der Arbeit, beim Fußball und in allen Situationen, in denen man einen unbändigen Hunger nach einem herzhaften und würzigen Wurstsnack hat",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Snack to Go!",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Du glaubst, ich bin ’ne Mogelpackung? Falsch gedacht! Ich bin die volle Portion Fleisch – immer in der richtigen Größe für jeden Hunger und jede Gelegenheit.",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Worauf wartest du noch? Greif zu!",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "brand": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Bifi",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
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        "value": true,
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
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        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "BiFi",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
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        "value": "Snack",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Unterwegs",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "LSI Germany GmbH",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Hunger",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Geräuchert",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "To Go",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Schule",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Schweinefleisch",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Salami",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "LAN",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "XXL",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Wurst",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "item_form": [
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        "value": "getrocknet",
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    "item_package_dimensions": [
        "length": {
          "unit": "centimeters",
          "value": 10.2
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          "unit": "centimeters",
          "value": 18.8
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          "unit": "centimeters",
          "value": 25.6
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "size": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "40 g (30er Pack)",
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    "item_type_name": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Minisalami, Saucisson sec fumé, Gerookte droge worst",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "contains_food_or_beverage": [
        "value": true,
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "manufacturer": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "LSI-Germany GmbH",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "safety_warning": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Allergene: glutenhaltiges Getreide, Eier, Milch",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "externally_assigned_product_identifier": [
        "value": "6921294048636",
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        "type": "gtin",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "ingredients": [
        "language_tag": "de_DE",
        "value": "Zutaten: Schweinefleisch, Rindfleisch, jodiertes Speisesalz (Speisesalz, Kaliumiodat), Dextrose, Gewürze (Pfeffer, Koriander, Knoblauch), Antioxidationsmittel (Natriumascorbat), Konservierungsstoff (Natriumnitrit), Buchenholzrauch. 100 g Minisalami werden hergestellt aus 160 g Schweine- und Rindfleisch (der Gewichtsverlust entsteht durch Wasserverlust beim Räuchern).",
        "marketplace_id": "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
    "nutritional_info": [
        "vitamins_and_minerals": [
            "unit": "grams",
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            "value": 4.2
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            "unit": "grams",
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        "value": "BiFi Original XXL – 30er Pack (30 x 40g) – Herzhafter Salami Fleischsnack – Geräucherte Wurst als Snack to go",
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        "value": "2010-06-27T11:07:17.612Z",
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    "storage_instructions": [
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        "value": "2°C bis 25°C lagern",
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  "summaries": [
      "marketplaceId": "A1PA6795UKMFR9",
      "brand": "Bifi",
      "browseClassification": {
        "displayName": "Grocery Store",
        "classificationId": "340847031"
      "itemClassification": "BASE_PRODUCT",
      "itemName": "BiFi Original XXL – 30er Pack (30 x 40g) – Herzhafter Salami Fleischsnack – Geräucherte Wurst als Snack to go",
      "manufacturer": "LSI-Germany GmbH",
      "modelNumber": "14014501",
      "packageQuantity": 1,
      "partNumber": "14014501",
      "size": "40 g (30er Pack)",
      "websiteDisplayGroup": "grocery_display_on_website",
      "websiteDisplayGroupName": "Grocery"