amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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JSON_LISTINGS_FEED List an offer for an item that already exists in the Amazon catalog - Can't set up LIST PRICE #3958

Closed DmytroShumeyko closed 3 weeks ago

DmytroShumeyko commented 4 weeks ago

Hello! I'm using JSON_LISTINGS_FEED to List an offer for an item that already exists in the Amazon catalog to FBA invintory.

As result I see added listing to my FBA inventory but it's with status "Incomplete" and the "List price" is missing.


How to set up "List price" using JSON_LISTINGS_FEED, what I have missed?

Please help with this.


{ "$schema": "", "title": "Selling Partner Listings Feed (v2)", "header": { "sellerId": "A3I07C5PD33KVE", "version": "2.0", "issueLocale": "en_US" }, "messages": [ { "messageId": 1, "sku": "ABC11214112FINAL3", "operationType": "UPDATE", "productType": "PRODUCT", "requirements": "LISTING_OFFER_ONLY", "attributes": { "batteries_required": [ { "value": false, "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } ], "supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation": [ { "value": "not_applicable", "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } ], "merchant_suggested_asin": [ { "value": "B0799NJSTP", "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } ], "condition_type": [ { "value": "new_new", "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } ], "purchasable_offer": [ { "currency": "USD", "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "our_price": [ { "schedule": [ { "value_with_tax": 10.99 } ] } ], "minimum_seller_allowed_price": [ { "schedule": [ { "value_with_tax": 10.00 } ] } ], "maximum_seller_allowed_price": [ { "schedule": [ { "value_with_tax": 11.00 } ] } ] } ], "fulfillment_availability": [ { "fulfillment_channel_code": "AMAZON_NA" } ], "product_tax_code": [ { "value": "A_GEN_TAX", "marketplace_id": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } ] } } ] }

rodrifed commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @DmytroShumeyko,

Thank you for your message.

List price is not part of LISTING_OFFER_ONLY product schemas. To get a schema that contains this attribute, please call the /getDefinitionsProductType operation using requirements = LISTING. In the provided schema you will find the list_price attribute.

Regarding the "Incomplete" status, this is related to missing/incorrect information in your submission. To retrieve the details that will help you fix the issue, you can use the /getListingsItem operation using includedData = issues. A more efficient approach is to subscribe to LISTINGS_ITEM_ISSUES_CHANGE and LISTINGS_ITEM_STATUS_CHANGE notifications. These will inform you as soon as the listing submission processing finishes, if there are issues associated or if there's a status change (e.g. all issues have been fixed).

I hope the information above helps you solve your problem.

Thank you, Federico Selling Partner Developer Services

W00Dface222 commented 20 hours ago

I'm having the same issue...

The problem with the solution provided, is LISTING appears to want to create a whole new listing from scratch, where as LISTING_OFFER_ONLY, is for adding your own offer.

Amazon has now forced you to provide a list_price regardless of if you are just adding an offer or creating a whole new listing.

Therefore, it leaves using the API to create an offer useless in most categories now.

rodrifed commented 20 hours ago

Hi @W00Dface222,

If you are adding an offer for an existing item, list_price shouldn't come as part of the JSON schema if you use LISTING_OFFER_ONLY mode while calling the /getDefinitionsProductType operation.

If you find that list_price is actually included in the JSON schema, and considering that you are creating an offer for an item that already exists in the Amazon catalog, you can read the ASIN using the /getCatalogItem operation and retrieve the value for list_price from the response.

Thank you, Federico Selling Partner Developer Services

W00Dface222 commented 19 hours ago

Hi @rodrifed , thanks for the swift reply.

Correct in that list_price doesn't come as part of the Schema for LISTING_OFFER_ONLY , however, listing created using LISTING_OFFER_ONLY are now failing since Amazons update. Like @DmytroShumeyko said, they are going inactive and you have to manually go in to Seller Central to add a listing_price before they will become active.

If you have access to a sandbox, you can try this with ABIS_BOOK in marketplace A1F83G8C2ARO7P

You will see that the offer is created, but won't become active.

It appears that Amazon now requires the field to be filled in every time an offer is created (Which is crazy as the list price shouldn't change with every offer).

EDIT: Creating offers was working fine up until around 2 weeks ago.

W00Dface222 commented 19 hours ago

Also, to add to this, list_price seems to have disappeared from /getCatalogItem too. It was appearing in there until around two weeks ago too. ASIN B01LP65I22 is an example of this.