amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
Apache License 2.0
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SEARCH_CATALOG_ITEMS doesn't return the pagination #3965

Closed rugved-bodke-stigya closed 3 weeks ago

rugved-bodke-stigya commented 3 weeks ago
In [238]: CatalogItems(credentials=obj.credentials, version=CatalogItemsVersion.V_2022_04_01, marketplace=Marketplaces.US).search_catalog_items(keywords="lemon essential oil", marketplaceIds=[Marketplaces.US.
     ...: marketplace_id], includedData="summaries", pageSize=10).payload
{'numberOfResults': 1983,
 'refinements': {'brands': [{'numberOfResults': 310, 'brandName': 'Generic'},
   {'numberOfResults': 132, 'brandName': 'Crysalis'},
   {'numberOfResults': 104, 'brandName': 'Plant Therapy'},
   {'numberOfResults': 82, 'brandName': 'GreenHealth'},
   {'numberOfResults': 82, 'brandName': 'Mystic Moments'},
   {'numberOfResults': 66, 'brandName': 'Home Genie'},
   {'numberOfResults': 66, 'brandName': 'Eclectic Lady'},
   {'numberOfResults': 61, 'brandName': 'Plant Guru'},
   {'numberOfResults': 57, 'brandName': 'Aura Cacia'},
   {'numberOfResults': 54, 'brandName': 'HIQILI'}],
  'classifications': [{'numberOfResults': 2317,
    'displayName': 'Health & Household',
    'classificationId': '3760931'},
   {'numberOfResults': 429,
    'displayName': 'Home & Kitchen',
    'classificationId': '1063498'},
   {'numberOfResults': 7,
    'displayName': 'Beauty & Personal Care',
    'classificationId': '11055981'},
   {'numberOfResults': 3,
    'displayName': 'Arts, Crafts & Sewing',
    'classificationId': '2617942011'}]},
 'items': [{'asin': 

as you can check I was trying to request for the search catalog results but at most I can only get the 20 results after setting up the pageSize but unable to get more results due to pagination data is not there in the response
