amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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getMyFeesEstimateForASIN not working for some ASINs #4001

Open fullbeats opened 1 week ago

fullbeats commented 1 week ago

I do get a strange behavior in the "getMyFeesEstimateForASIN"-Endpoint from the Product Fees API (getMyFeesEstimates affected as well):

I want to retrieve the fees for a specific ASIN. Most of the calls go through and I get a detailed list of all the applied fees. But for some ASINs, this does not work and I get an error message like this:

"Error": {"Type": "Sender","Code": "InvalidParameterValue","Message": "There is an client-side error. Please verify your inputs.","Detail": []}}}}'

Examples: ASIN that works: B004DI7350 ASIN that does not work: B003Z7CW0Q, B00FQW709G

As I said, I use the exact same code, but it does not work for the example ASINs shown. I can reproduce this as often as I want to. This is the call to the SP-API I am making:

    request_params = {
        "FeesEstimateRequest": {
            "Identifier": str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "MarketplaceId": marketplace_id, # Marketplace DE --> marketplace_id = "A1PA6795UKMFR9"
            "IsAmazonFulfilled": is_fba, # True or False
            "PriceToEstimateFees": {
                "ListingPrice": {
                    "Amount": price, # this is a float with two digits
                    "CurrencyCode": currency, # "EUR"
        fees =
            + f"/products/fees/v0/items/{asin}/feesEstimate", # asin = e.g. "B003Z7CW0Q"
                "x-amz-access-token": token, 
                "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", # add compression to the request
    except Exception as e:
        pass # simplified here

Please let me know if you can reproduce this issue or if you know why this is failing for some specific ASINs while it works for others like a charm.