amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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[SP-API] Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 createInboundPlan success then getInboundOperationStatus ERROR: Prep classification for this SKU was missing. #556

Open littleylv opened 5 months ago

littleylv commented 5 months ago

I'm submitting a...

[ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
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SP-API Name and Version or Report/Feed Type Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 createInboundPlan

Expected Behavior

ItemInput should have a property like the v0 version InboundShipmentPlanRequestItem.PrepDetailsList so we can pass the propType property. BTW Item (not ItemInput) has property prepInstructions.

Current Behavior

createInboundPlan returns operationId and inboundPlanId successfully. but getInboundOperationStatus returns error:

[severity] => ERROR
[code] => FBA_INB_0182
[details] => There's an input error with the resource '{MY_SKU}'.
[message] => ERROR: Prep classification for this SKU was missing. Choose the prep category that applies to this SKU and apply any required prep and labeling to each sellable unit.
alexartisans commented 5 months ago

The same issue. No way to specify this data. image This is where its reflected on the front end. The whole API is unusable at this time...

zhihui commented 5 months ago

I encountered the same issue.

johnkw commented 5 months ago

Also prevented from creating any shipments due to this. We've had a Seller Support ticket open since 2024-04-02 and it's still pending an answer.

homes2001 commented 5 months ago

same issue for us

marintudela commented 5 months ago

Same here, getting the FBA_INB_0182 error even when I sent the info in the json

MeenaAmz commented 5 months ago

To handle this error, please add the prep category information for SKUs via Send to Amazon UI before proceeding with the CreateInboundPlan request. This has also been noted in the usecase guide. This is a one time activity that needs to be done for a new listing. We will be looking into making this more seamless via APIs in the future.

alexartisans commented 5 months ago

We have 42,000 SKUs. Are you proposing we do that to all of them???? Also How would we get prep requirements ??????? No call in new API !!!! What's a POINT of API IF you have to use "UI" for the API to work ???????

johnkw commented 5 months ago

Ok so the answer is it's currently broken/missing from the API. But, roughly what's the timeline on getting this fixed in the API itself, as opposed to a hack workaround of manually clicking in SellerCentral? Days? Months?

littleylv commented 5 months ago

To handle this error, please add the prep category information for SKUs via Send to Amazon UI before proceeding with the CreateInboundPlan request. This has also been noted in the usecase guide. This is a one time activity that needs to be done for a new listing. We will be looking into making this more seamless via APIs in the future.

We have thousands of SKUs. Handling that through UI is a bad choice. You should make it possible through API before it's fully launched.

johnkw commented 4 months ago

After 4 weeks of having a ticket open, SellerSupport finally confirmed that there is no way to get past this error in the API, and we need to wait for the API to implement this (or use the crazy hack workaround of massive manual clicking around in SellerCentral). They will not provide a timeline though.

garply1 commented 4 months ago

Any word on the timeframe on this? We have 400,000+ skus. This is unacceptable.

alexartisans commented 4 months ago

Nope... They feel its not important because v0 is still "working"... Wish they rolled v03-20 out 6 months ago so they had time to address all the bugs... Someone can write a chrome extension that does it... I would if Amazon gave us any ETA or if they told us they wont address it...

supoman-service commented 4 months ago

The damn Amazon API is really substandard

jackmin-sw commented 4 months ago

@MeenaAmz the same issue here, any plan to solve this issue? thanks!

johnkw commented 4 months ago

Wow I just noticed the current SPAPI calls for creating shipments are scheduled to be REMOVED in 6 months as per and we still don't have a working replacement for them.

That's pretty crazy. Surely that deprecation timeline needs to be changed right?

daiqi77777 commented 3 months ago

SAME ERROR I chose no prep needed ;but still error aaa (1) aaa (2)

johnkw commented 3 months ago

Has anyone been able to get a response from Seller Support on when this will be fixed? Without this github ticket I would have no idea that this is a complete blocker bug for everyone else as well.

littleylv commented 3 months ago

From the latest Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 Use Case Guide:

The following are not supported, but will be supported in the future:

- Selecting prep category for a SKU

But no estimated time mentioned.

johnkw commented 3 months ago

Ah. They really need to add "Selecting prep category for a SKU" to that workflow diagram to make it more obvious that it's a critical step. I can't get a straight answer from Seller Support on why the current working API is marked deprecated when no replacement exists.

wimoor-erp commented 3 months ago

same issue for us

MeenaAmz commented 3 months ago

Prep category cannot be set through this API release, but will be supported in a future release. Functionality is available via the Seller Central UI instead. Appreciate your feedback, we will call this out explicitly in the workflow diagram.

johnkw commented 3 months ago

According to Seller Support the upcoming "v2024-03-20" API will be fully available before the current "v0" API is removed (currently still planned for December). They were not able to provide an answer on how long we will have to migrate to the upcoming "v2024-03-20" API once it's available though.

This is very strange and very concerning. Normally you do not mark a current API as deprecated until the replacement API exists.

TownHook commented 3 months ago

We have been dealing with this issue since leaving the MWS API back in February, which was shut down 1 month before the intended deadline as well. We have over 7 million SKUs and generate more daily. It is imperative that this feature be added to the SP-API. The “workaround” of mouse clicking and setting in batch mode of 25 SKUs per page via Seller Central is very time consuming considering over and potentially different 1400 to 1500 SKU items per shipment via Seller Central. It literally takes hours per shipment to accomplish this, since the current SP-API on allows 200 unique SKUs per shipment. Please move on this and provide it in the API ASAP and as a necessary use case for Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 Use Case Guide

johnkw commented 3 months ago

Is that 200 SKU limit documented somewhere? That deserves a separate API bug report if not.

TownHook commented 3 months ago

Is that 200 SKU limit documented somewhere? That deserves a separate API bug report if not.

An ongoing bug has been suggested as well

The SP-API will give you an error if you add beyond 200 SKU items via createInboundShipmentPlan

MeenaAmz commented 2 months ago

2284 is a bug with Fullfillment Inbound API v0. 200 SKU limit is not applicable to the new version. You can now create upto 1500 skus per plan with v2024-03-20 API

johnkw commented 2 months ago

Well that's good.

When is the new version going to be fully available?

We need at least this current bug to be fixed. Not sure what if anything is missing after this one.

MeenaAmz commented 2 months ago

New version is fully available to use now. Let us know if you see any issues.

johnkw commented 2 months ago

I just attempted to use the upcoming v2024-03-20 API again, but I still immediately encounter the FBA_INB_0182 bug from comment 0 of this bug report, and can't advance beyond that.

alexartisans commented 2 months ago

They said "best of luck" with the front end. We were able to create an extension that updates it in bulk. But it seems that errors (since they return them unpaginated) are limited to some kind of number... We believe 20-50 (probably packet size). Also "try again" errors without any explanations and SKU/SKUs that triggered that error. What a mess...

w00dface79 commented 2 months ago

Same thing "operationStatus": "FAILED", "operationId": "cb892b3e-4935-42c4-87d7-88e8f0ed9174", "operation": "createInboundPlan", "operationProblems": [ { "severity": "ERROR", "code": "FBA_INB_0182", "details": "There's an input error with the resource 'SKU-XXXXXXX'.", "message": "ERROR: Prep classification for this SKU was missing. Choose the prep category that applies to this SKU and apply any required prep and labeling to each sellable unit." },

alexartisans commented 2 months ago

Please, please, please... Fix it ! It is giving all this errors in blocks of <50 also. When you are trying to create a plan - you need to pull it multiple times to fix all the errors. Do it once -> clear errors-> do it again -> clear another set of errors and so on...

johnkw commented 2 months ago

Huh? @alexartisans what is the "clear errors" step?

alexartisans commented 2 months ago

It does not give you the new set of this kind error until you fix the first set (which is limited to 40-50 SKUs). So if you trying to create plan with 250 SKUs - you need to do this 5-6 times before next step or assume that every item needs "prep category" update.

W00Dface222 commented 2 months ago


By fixing the first set, do you mean by going in to the UI and setting the prep instructions?

alexartisans commented 2 months ago

We wrote an extension, but still a major pain...

johnkw commented 1 month ago

On the currently functional shipment API is STILL listed as slated for removal in December, and there does not yet exist a replacement for it. This is very concerning.

When will the new API be ready for general use?

johnkw commented 1 month ago

Seller Support as of today confirms that the new API is not yet able to perform an inbound shipment creation due to this bug. No timeline was available on when the new API will be fully ready for use.

johnkw commented 1 month ago

Has anyone been able to get either an ETA for this part of the new API being implemented, or an answer on what happens if the new API is not fully implemented by December?

TownHook commented 1 month ago

We have reached out to Amazon developer support concerning setting the Prep Classification/Category via the SP-API and the response is as follows: We currently don't have an estimated of when the operation will be updated, however the FBA engineering team is continually working improve the Inbound API. We suggest you periodically review the announcements in our documentation for any new updates to the API.

---No ETA as of today. I do not expect that will be revealed until it is released, if released.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

This is a very old issue that is probably not getting as much attention as it deserves. We encourage you to check if this is still an issue after the latest release and if you find that this is still a problem, please feel free to open a new issue and make a reference to this one.

johnkw commented 4 days ago

This is an active issue.

marintudela commented 22 hours ago

Active, it is not solved by Amazon