amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
Apache License 2.0
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Machine2Machine Authentication #899

Closed ChrisLeeBare closed 3 years ago

ChrisLeeBare commented 3 years ago


I may missed a specific point in the dev guide. Scenario: We developed an ERP Module for our customers to interact with the Amazon SP API mainly gathering reports and create inventory bookings etc. We have no website, which a user authorizes etc. It's basically machine2machine auth and communication (ERP Module <-> Amazon). The old api allowed authentication with SellerId, MWSAuthToken, AwsAcccessKeyId and SecretKey which was provided by our customers and was configured in our ERP Module.

But I can't find the right workflow with the new api.

  1. Marketplace Auth Workflow -> requires iirc a website where the user logs ins.
  2. Website Auth Workflow -> requires also a website
  3. Self-Auth Workflow -> works but only allows access to our own seller central account.

What is the correct workflow for a pure machine2machine auth workflows for our ERP Module. Thanks in advance.

parvathm commented 3 years ago

Hi @ChrisLeeBare ,

Marketplace or Website Auth workflow is recommend for 3p authorizations but you can try sharing your OAuth Authorizations URIs until your application is published. Please refer to this section on how to create OAuth URIs. Please open a support case if you want to discuss more about workflow that works for you.

Thanks, Parvathm, Selling Partner API Developer Support.