amzn / selling-partner-api-models

This repository contains OpenAPI models for developers to use when developing software to call Selling Partner APIs.
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OAuth authorization URI not working #941

Closed aryatekpia closed 1 year ago

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

Our application uses SP-API

To allow our users to authorize they seller central account with our Application we have followed the guideline for website workflow.

So the users clicks on an authorize button on our application that will redirect them to:

After clicking on this button the user is taken to seller central and after they login instead of seeing the consent page and redirecting back to our application they are getting a form that asks for our developer id.

this is not the behaviour described in the documentation and it is a blocker for our app because being a SP-API app we don't even have a developer id

charliecode commented 3 years ago

@aryatekpia Is your app still in draft state? In other words, have you published it and been given approval by Amazon?

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

@charliecode yes our application status is published and it is listed and visible on amazon marketplace appstore

charliecode commented 3 years ago

This is the first I'm hearing about this. In the event you can't find anything else in the issues then your best bet is prob opening a support case.

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

Yes I have opened up a support case but they said they will investigate the issue but now it is been more than 3 days and no response yet. and our application is in production and we are getting complains from users trying to register :(

here is the screenshot of the page we get instead of the consent page. when they click on the button that takes them to


468092882 commented 3 years ago

me too。。。。

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

me too。。。。

Are you having the same issue? seeing this strange form instead of the consent page?

468092882 commented 3 years ago

Yes, our situation is the same

468092882 commented 3 years ago



Yes, our situation is the same

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

I have opened a case with Amazon 4 days ago and still no resolution...

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

@seanevan can you please advise ^ this shows that SP-API is clearly not ready for production and yet Amazon forced us to migrate to SP-API prior to publishing our application after two years of development with old MWS-API (they even refused to give us hybrid access). Is there anyway to escalate this? We are desperate for a resolution soon as our application is in production and live.

seanevan commented 3 years ago

Hi @aryatekpia, Thanks for flagging this for me. Could you please share the case number you opened with support? I'll follow-up to figure out how to resolve this quickly for you.

Thanks, Sean Evans Manager, Support Engineering

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

Hi @aryatekpia, Thanks for flagging this for me. Could you please share the case number you opened with support? I'll follow-up to figure out how to resolve this quickly for you.

Thanks, Sean Evans Manager, Support Engineering

@seanevan I have just raised a support case for the exact same issue. My app was published a couple days ago. The case is 6709398252 if this is helpful.

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

@seanevan I really appreciate your help our case ID is 7850358671.

seanevan commented 3 years ago

Thanks @aryatekpia and @callumb123. I'm following up on both of your cases to expedite them.

discover59 commented 3 years ago

@aryatekpia I had same issue and I think it disappeared after I tried with\

It showed me MD1000 error and after removing \ from application_\id it worked.

468092882 commented 3 years ago

谢谢@aryatekpia和@ callumb123。我正在跟进您的两个案件,以加快处理速度。

Help me take a look, my case ID: 7525197991, thank you

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @aryatekpia and @callumb123. I'm following up on both of your cases to expedite them.

@seanevan Are you able to refer my case to someone who can actually help? I have raised 4 different issues with MWS support (as is always request by Amazon in these comments) and every single time without fail the first response I get has nothing to do with my actual question and just tells me that my MWS application has been approved and they close the case. It's as if they haven't even heard of SP-API!

I understand this won't be anything to do with you but I also thought I would mention this so you realise why many people are so reluctant to raise a case with support and instead post their issues here as it is the only way we are actually able to get any support.

I have now had to reopen my case 4 times in the last few hours as support agents keep responding with totally unrelated answers and immediately closing the case. How can developers be expected to use this API when your suggested support method is less than useless? Its worse than getting blood from a stone.

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

Yeah another day passed and still no resolution :( they just replied asking again for the direct OAuth link which I had already provided them when I first opened this support case. I gave them the URL hoping this it would go to someone who can actually get it fixed.

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @aryatekpia and @callumb123. I'm following up on both of your cases to expedite them.

@seanevan Are you able to refer my case to someone who can actually help? I have raised 4 different issues with MWS support (as is always request by Amazon in these comments) and every single time without fail the first response I get has nothing to do with my actual question and just tells me that my MWS application has been approved and they close the case. It's as if they haven't even heard of SP-API!

I understand this won't be anything to do with you but I also thought I would mention this so you realise why many people are so reluctant to raise a case with support and instead post their issues here as it is the only way we are actually able to get any support.

I have now had to reopen my case 4 times in the last few hours as support agents keep responding with totally unrelated answers and immediately closing the case. How can developers be expected to use this API when your suggested support method is less than useless? Its worse than getting blood from a stone.

@seanevan I am now on my 5 attempt at trying to get someone in support to look at this issue and give a response that has anything to do with my concern. Every time I have to reopen my case as they close it saying they don't look at appeals of registrations. Can you please provide some clarity as to why the support team only give default responses after making no attempt to read the actual issue and yet this is the recommended (and only) way to get bugs fixed? My entire application is at a standstill until this is fixed.

@aryatekpia Have you had any luck?

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

No still no response and the authorization url still does not redirect to consent screen. our application is at a standstill as well :(

aryatekpia commented 3 years ago

Over 10 days and here is the response I got yesterday on my support case:

"Amazon Seller Support notes about the conversation: We continue to research this issue and will update you as soon as any additional information is available. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused."

This is starting to become ridiculous. They forced us to migrate to SP-API before launching our application live by refusing to grant us hybrid api access, and now the new API is clearly broken for over 10 days and they can not fix it. What are we supposed to tell our users? @seanevan

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

Hello @callumb123 and @aryatekpia,

We have received your support cases and a Support Engineer will reach out to you with next steps to help resolve the issue you are facing with OAuth workflow.

Shivika Khare
 Selling Partner API Developer Support

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

Hello @

谢谢@aryatekpia和@ callumb123。我正在跟进您的两个案件,以加快处理速度。

Help me take a look, my case ID: 7525197991, thank you

Thank you for sharing the case ID. I will look into the case and someone will reach out to you via case on next steps to help resolve your issue.

Shivika Khare
 Selling Partner API Developer Support

468092882 commented 3 years ago

Hello @

谢谢@aryatekpia和@ callumb123。我正在跟进您的两个案件,以加快处理速度。

Help me take a look, my case ID: 7525197991, thank you

Thank you for sharing the case ID. I will look into the case and someone will reach out to you via case on next steps to help resolve your issue.

Shivika Khare
 Selling Partner API Developer Support

Hello, I am now modifying the application information to re-verify, and the following problems occurred when saving 0B26CDC9-0D56-46fb-AB16-E292E2D44B4A

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

Hello @468092882

Can you please open a support case for this issue so we can pursue the investigation. Please share the case ID once created and I will look into expediting your issue.

Shivika Khare
 Selling Partner API Developer Support

468092882 commented 3 years ago

Hello @468092882

Can you please open a support case for this issue so we can pursue the investigation. Please share the case ID once created and I will look into expediting your issue.

Shivika Khare
 Selling Partner API Developer Support

Case ID : 7888069571,Please help me to check as soon as possible, my application development is suspended, waiting for a response, thank you

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK Almost another week since this looked like it was getting dealt with and again things seem to have went quiet. Can you give any update on this and when we can expect it to be fixed?

I'm sure myself and @aryatekpia are not the only people who are losing business over this issue.

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago


For issues related to editing application, it has been resolved and you should be able to edit your app. Please mark the checkbox "Enable OAuth from Appstore" and save the app. Once completed, please submit the app listing again to be published. Please ensure if an app has already been submitted for publishing, you won't be able to edit the app till the updates are published.

All provided cases have been updated with next steps as well and I will request reaching out via support cases for follow-ups.

Please let me know if any new issues arise.

Thanks, Shivika Khare Selling Partner API Developer Support

discover59 commented 3 years ago

What's the difference between OAuth Login URI and OAuth Redirect URI?

qqqcai commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK HI~ I ran into the same problem. I don't have a developer id. The case is 7937726511. Thank you

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK HI~ I ran into the same problem. I don't have a developer id. The case is 7937726511. Thank you

Hello @qqqcai

We have received your case and the case will be reviewed for application update changes. Once it is approved, please expect up to 10 days for the changes to be fully published. I will request reaching out via support cases for follow-ups.

Thanks, Shivika Khare Selling Partner API Developer Support

discover59 commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK Thanks for your explanation. My app is published and it's working without version=beta by marking the checkbox.

But redirect url doesn't return MWS auth token, though my app is hybrid app(SP and MWS).

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK Thanks for your explanation. My app is published and it's working without version=beta by marking the checkbox.

But redirect url doesn't return MWS auth token, though my app is hybrid app(SP and MWS).

@discover59 Just to let you know that the MWS token is not returned if you authorise yourself, you need to get someone else to try it and you should see it gets returned then. I was worried about the same thing but got someone else to try it and it was returned correctly. Hope that helps :)

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

Hello @discover59 ,

As mentioned above, if you are testing the oauth workflow for a self-auth scenario then the mws auth token is not returned. Hope this helps clarify the issue.

Thanks, Shivika Khare Selling Partner API Developer Support

discover59 commented 3 years ago

@ShivikaK I cannot ask other seller to test my application before development is done. 😉 This is not good for developers.

Is there any specific reason that it can't return mws token for self authentication? With MWS authentication, it returned mws auth token though it's self authentication.

callumb123 commented 3 years ago

@discover59 I agree it's not good for developers. I'm happy to test your workflow/URL if you wish to confirm the token is returned. It might not help for future testing but just for peace of mind as I know it frustrated me a lot!

arvin915 commented 3 years ago


For issues related to editing application, it has been resolved and you should be able to edit your app. Please mark the checkbox "Enable OAuth from Appstore" and save the app. Once completed, please submit the app listing again to be published. Please ensure if an app has already been submitted for publishing, you won't be able to edit the app till the updates are published.

All provided cases have been updated with next steps as well and I will request reaching out via support cases for follow-ups.

Please let me know if any new issues arise.

Thanks, Shivika Khare Selling Partner API Developer Support

Hello @ShivikaK,

I ran into the same problem. The status of our app is Publised and I couldn't see the checkbox "Enable OAuth from Appstore" in Edit App page.

Please help me take a look. My case ID: 8045540371.

Thanks, Arvin

ShivikaK commented 3 years ago

Hello @arvin915

The checkbox "Enable OAuth from Appstore" has been removed from the Edit App page and this functionality is now enabled by default when the application is submitted for publishing to Appstore.

Your support case is currently being reviewed. Please monitor the case for follow ups and next steps.

Thanks, Shivika Khare Selling Partner API Developer Support

Everestparts commented 3 years ago


As of today I'm going on 35+ days of dealing with support to get my issue resolved.

I have been trying to link a self developed app to Seller Central and continuously receive an Access Denied error. I have followed the developer guide inside and out, tried STS authorization, tried ExecuteAPI directly to an IAM user. Nothing is working and seller support is lacking in the "support."

All support says is "Please refer to the Developer Guide." without any reference as to what is causing the issue.

I am at a complete standstill with my company because I cannot gain simple access to my Seller Central.

I need help, and so do a lot of others.



seanevan commented 3 years ago

Hi @Everestparts et al,

I have elevated this issue with our engineering team to address it as a top priority beginning on Monday morning. On behalf of the team here, I'm sorry for the delay in getting this resolved.

Best regards, Sean Evans Manager, Selling Partner API Developer Support

Everestparts commented 3 years ago

Hi @seanevan

Thank you, I have been at a complete standstill since trying to connect my application. Seller Support only refers sellers to the developer guide without any insight as to what can be causing the issue.



Everestparts commented 3 years ago


It has been another 10 days since I have received a response from Seller Support regarding Case ID 7999037991

I am in disbelief with how slow and unhelpful Seller Support is. My business is at a standstill because of this.

pramohs commented 3 years ago

What is the point in having multiple redirect URLs configured in the app, if we are not able to use it? The redirection works only for the first entry.

krithic15 commented 3 years ago

What is the point in having multiple redirect URLs configured in the app, if we are not able to use it? The redirection works only for the first entry.

Hello @pramohs, In order to choose from multiple redirect uris, kindly pass the redirect uri that you would like to use as query param along with the state token. I will request the team to update the documentation on how to multiple redirect uris.

Best, Krithi, Solutions Architect, SP API.

pramohs commented 3 years ago

@krithic15 Hi, thanks for the reply. But i have already tried to do the same, but I'm always redirected to the First Redirect URL that is added in the APP Configuration, irrespective of the URL that I pass during exchange of LWA Credentials. (My amazon SP-API App is in draft state.)

krithic15 commented 3 years ago

@krithic15 Hi, thanks for the reply. But i have already tried to do the same, but I'm always redirected to the First Redirect URL that is added in the APP Configuration, irrespective of the URL that I pass during exchange of LWA Credentials. (My amazon SP-API App is in draft state.)

Hello @pramohs, Can you please open a support case via and provide the app ID and oauth uri details you are using? A member from our support team should be able to assist you further with this issue.

Best, Krithi, Solutions Architect, SP API.

slopeofhope81 commented 3 years ago

HI the redirect url doesn't return MWS auth token, though my app is hybrid app(SP and MWS). Do I need publish it in order to get the mws_token? I tested with two other seller's account.. but it's returning only spapi_oauth_code=ANPXXXXXX&state=1234&selling_partner_id=AXXXXXXX. could you please adivse?

Thanks for your work on this!!

slopeofhope81 commented 3 years ago

@seanevan @krithic15 could you help with my question above? thanks!

krithic15 commented 3 years ago

Hello @slopeofhope81,

For hybrid apps, you should be receiving both mws_token and spiapi_oauth_code when you authorize using version=beta before publishing as well. Can you please share your app ID?

Best, Krithi, Solutions Architect, SP API

slopeofhope81 commented 3 years ago

@krithic15 So looks I have missed that. I did not finish authorizing the app because I thought that essentially meant publishing the app. If I authorize, my app will still work with the MWS API? I just want to make sure that is the case. Thanks!