I would like to be able to generate files based on current dictionary. When you have a dynamic number of components or you have more than 100 components tokenized it's hard to maintain the list of files.
Export all components variables into a single file is not efficient when you can include in your app only a sub set of all available components.
Then easily you can get 1 file per item or any other split you would like to do attending to the token properties.
To which I then replied:
Technically it is already possible to generate a files array programmatically to accomplish what you want, but I agree it would be cool to provide some kind of utility that makes this simpler.
A JSON way of doing it might be:
"files": [{
"format": "css/component",
"filter": "componentFilter", // assume this is registered, it's optional
"split": {
"by": "{attributes.item}", // any prop ref on token in dictionary
"destination": "components/*/tokens.css" // * replaced by resolved "by" value e.g. attributes.item = "button"
Or if you need more flexibility, I suppose you can always go a bit deeper with JS instead
Define files programatically
Below was commented by @jorgecasar https://github.com/amzn/style-dictionary/issues/643#issuecomment-956388868
To which I then replied:
Technically it is already possible to generate a files array programmatically to accomplish what you want, but I agree it would be cool to provide some kind of utility that makes this simpler.
A JSON way of doing it might be:
Or if you need more flexibility, I suppose you can always go a bit deeper with JS instead
Originally posted by @jorenbroekema in https://github.com/amzn/style-dictionary/issues/643#issuecomment-1740610773
Might be worth investigating this topic for v5