amzn / style-dictionary

A build system for creating cross-platform styles.
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transform/transfromGroup platform option override possibility on file level #1298

Open DarioSoller opened 3 months ago

DarioSoller commented 3 months ago

I was finally trying out Style-Dictionary 4 and once again stumbled over one particular setting. I have searched thru the existing tickets, but could not find anything in this direction, even though I can't imagine being the only one who stumbled over this so far?

Let me explain: transform and transformGroup settings are part of the platform configs within Style-Dictionary. Commonly and popular used platforms are web, ios and android, like in your mulit-brand-multi-platform example that I used for testing.

Now I was playing with some more output formats and noticed that having the tokens as file configuration of javascript/es6 being part of the web platform generates an invalid Javascript constant name, cause the transformGroup: 'web' has a default naming convention transform of name/kebab: Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-05 um 16 12 32 Now, in general, Javascript would still be a token output definition which should be part of the web platform IMO.

Therefore the current Style-Dictionary platform and file configuration possibilities seem unintuitive from a DX point of view, because I have to make another platform config that has a naming convention transform of name/camel for a Javascript token output file and need to configure the buildPath to still be part of the web folder. As you usually loop over these settings like in your example, this makes some extra if-conditions for the buildPlatform() calls necessary.

The same applies to iOS, if you need to support old iOS Objective C header files and swift at the same time.

A look in my example code should make things clearer:

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';

const getStyleDictionaryConfig = (brand, platform) => {
  return {
    // Source example tokens coming from:
    source: ['tokens/globals/**/*.json', `tokens/brands/${brand}/*.json`, `tokens/platforms/${platform}/*.json`],
    platforms: {
      web: {
        transformGroup: 'web',
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/web/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.css',
            format: 'css/variables',
            destination: 'tokens.scss',
            format: 'scss/variables',
            destination: 'tokens.json',
            format: 'json',
      js: {
        transformGroup: 'web',
        transforms: ['name/camel'], // needed only for javascript
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/web/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.js',
            format: 'javascript/es6',
      ios: {
        transformGroup: 'ios',
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/ios/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.h',
            format: 'ios/macros',
      iosSwift: {
        transformGroup: 'ios-swift',
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/ios/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.swift',
            format: 'ios-swift/any.swift',

await Promise.all(
  // flatMap: This method first maps each element using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. It’s useful when you need to flatten nested arrays. Since flatMap will flatten the nested arrays of promises, the outer function no longer needs to be async.
  ['brand-1', 'brand-2', 'brand-3'].flatMap(brand =>
    // dependent on the tokens/platforms folder structure
    ['web', 'ios', 'android'].map(async platform => {
      const config = getStyleDictionaryConfig(brand, platform);
      const sd = new StyleDictionary(config);
      await sd.hasInitialized;

      // Additionally need buildPlatform() calls, in order to get i.e. the Javascript output file nicely into the web output file folder
      if (platform === 'web') {
        await sd.buildPlatform('js');
      } else if (platform === 'ios') {
        await sd.buildPlatform('iosSwift');

      return sd.buildPlatform(platform);

Theoretically I would welcome to have the possibility to override transform and even transformGroup settings done on the platform level for specific files in their file configuration settings.

With my suggestion the example code above would then look like this:

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';

const getStyleDictionaryConfig = (brand, platform) => {
  return {
    // Source example tokens coming from:
    source: ['tokens/globals/**/*.json', `tokens/brands/${brand}/*.json`, `tokens/platforms/${platform}/*.json`],
    platforms: {
      web: {
        transformGroup: 'web',
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/web/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.css',
            format: 'css/variables',
            destination: 'tokens.scss',
            format: 'scss/variables',
            destination: 'tokens.json',
            format: 'json',
            destination: 'tokens.js',
            transforms: ['name/camel'],
            format: 'javascript/es6',
      ios: {
        buildPath: `token-package/dist/ios/${brand}/`,
        files: [
            destination: 'tokens.h',
            transformGroup: 'ios',
            format: 'ios/macros',
            destination: 'tokens.swift',
            transformGroup: 'ios-swift',
            format: 'ios-swift/any.swift',

console.log('Build started...');

await Promise.all(
  // flatMap: This method first maps each element using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. It’s useful when you need to flatten nested arrays. Since flatMap will flatten the nested arrays of promises, the outer function no longer needs to be async.
  ['brand-1', 'brand-2', 'brand-3'].flatMap(brand =>
    // dependent on the tokens/platforms folder structure
    ['web', 'ios', 'android'].map(async platform => {
      const config = getStyleDictionaryConfig(brand, platform);
      const sd = new StyleDictionary(config);
      await sd.hasInitialized;
      return sd.buildPlatform(platform);

Complete working Typescript test project is added here as a zip: multi-brand-multi-platform-test-0.1.0.tgz

I would love to discuss on this or maybe I even miss a similar functionality of Style-Dictionary and I have been on the wrong track here? Let me know what you think!

jorenbroekema commented 3 months ago

Sorry that it's taken a bit longer for me to respond to this but I think you've touched on a topic that requires a bit more thinking on abstract level about what the platform/transform lifecycle is versus the file/format lifecycle, and why certain token transformations happen on one level or the other.

The way I see it, there are different types of token transformations

Transforms that modify the actual inherent value of a token, usually computing/resolving/modifying, for example:

Things that transform the token in a way that can be categorized as a formatting-only change:

Truth is, right now almost every transform essentially is put under platform/transform, and we can even see in a package like sd-transforms that this causes awkwardness, because we have to register different variants of the tokens-studio transformGroup depending on the chosen platform...

I think we need to go outside of our current way of looking at Style Dictionary and its global - platform - file thinking.... I feel like the computing/resolving/modifying types of transforms are, generally speaking, agnostic of the platform, and the formatting-only types of changes are generally only relevant for the format type, and even when the platform is the same (e.g. web, android or iOS), the outputs can vary significantly (JS vs CSS, Android XML vs Compose, iOS Obj-C vs Swift).

While this idea is maybe a bit wild, what about:

  source: [...],
  transformGroup: 'foo', // computing/resolving/modifying types of transforms grouped
  transforms: [...], // additionally/alternatively computing/resolving/modifying types of transforms
  outputs: [
      format: "css/variables", // must be registered, responsible for formatting-only transforms
      files: ["tokens.css"],
      filter: ...,
      fileHeader: ...,
      options: { ... }
      format: "scss/variables",
      files: ["tokens.scss"],
      format: "json",
      files: ["tokens.json"],
      format: "javascript/es6",
      files: ["tokens.js"],

So basically ditching this whole concept of the "platform" level being separate from the "format" level, by putting "actual" transforms on the global level (since they should be irrespective of platform) and putting formatting-only transforms on the format level where they actually belong.

@dbanksdesign I think this one requires your 2 eyes and brain capacity as well. I feel like thinking in this direction would also solve:

The main drawback from this platform-ditching approach is that token transforms (formatting-only) would now be delegated to the "format" level, so that work doesn't really get deduped anymore on platform level e.g. between let's say CSS/SCSS, most of the formatting transforms would overlap, we don't want to repeat those... so some kind of shared abstraction (like "platform" but choosing a better name maybe) for this seems necessary...

Obviously this would be a pretty significant architectural change as well as lots of API breaking changes, so it wouldn't be done until v5

jorenbroekema commented 3 months ago

Btw don't take this as a "I want to head in this direction", I'm just thinking out loud.

I kind of feel like my previous comment also makes a bit of a case for the "platform" abstraction, even if the name is maybe not ideal. I'm just trying to figure out if there's a way to redesign stuff so it makes more sense.

I think a big win would already be to solve (not breaking) to allow formatting-only transforms to run after value-changing transforms, and to delegate name-transforms to the formats (breaking) by setting a default but allowing to override through for example File.options.casing option shared across all built-in formats.

@DarioSoller the best way forward for you for now I think is to split your web platform into "js"/"css" and using those transformGroups, same for your ios/ios-swift

DarioSoller commented 3 months ago

I really appreciate and thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on this @jorenbroekema !

I like your idea of thinking in different transform categories. If they still even should be all called transform might be questionable.

On top of your considerations of how best platforms, format or a new outputs could play nicely together, I think that the discussion from the last Tokens Sudio Office Hour, about how important for solving advanced calculations between tokens, it will be to separate a token value from its unit. As the units are also depending on the output file formats, this probably needs to be taken into account here as well!?

Sry for blowing it up and making it even more complicated 🙈 Just try to put all relevant things for a discussion on the table.

jorenbroekema commented 3 months ago

To an extent our resolve math utility already allows computing expressions with units, but there are some caveats:

Summary: Yes, separating the value from the unit can help for computing math, but you can't always safely do so if the units are mixed or use a combination of relative/absolute. The math util in sd-transforms handles most cases pretty well with the exception of 1 as far as I can tell