Hello, a great work! Thank you for sharing the codes.
I to begin the Step 2 in README :
python main.py --config config/miniImageNet_1shot.yaml --seed 100 --gpu 0
Firstly, I congfig the miniImageNet_1shot.json file path in config.py like this:
def get_args():
Create argparser for frequent configurations.
Sorry for the super late reply! In case it's still relevant, you may want to print config at utils/config.py:53 to see if it's a dict. It's probably easydict had a major change.
Hello, a great work! Thank you for sharing the codes. I to begin the Step 2 in README : python main.py --config config/miniImageNet_1shot.yaml --seed 100 --gpu 0
Firstly, I congfig the miniImageNet_1shot.json file path in config.py like this:
def get_args(): """ Create argparser for frequent configurations.
Then, I run main,py, there's an error like this:
Would you please help me solve the problem? Appreciate!