ana-nova / plant-pal
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Update Form #29

Open ana-nova opened 5 days ago

ana-nova commented 5 days ago

Value proposition

As a user I want to upload an image when I am creating a new plant So that I have more personal plant from the beginning.



Acceptance criteria


carmen136 commented 1 day ago

Hey team! Good acceptance criteria, but your dev tasks should be a bit more detailed - e.g. one of the main changes you like to implement (the dropdown menu for additional forms, as I understand it) are not described at all in your tasks.

frush86 commented 1 day ago

Thank you for taking the time to look at this user story 🚀 We have a lot of the functionality already in place in our FormComponent so we will just have to switch functions around a bit. But you are absolutly right. If someone else would start working on this user story more specific tasks would be necessary

carmen136 commented 1 day ago

I approve your user-story but I'm a bit confused what your main topic is here: from the wireframes and the acceptance criteria it seems like you want to have access to the form with a button on the homepage which leads to a separate page in which the form is placed, but also that you want to adjust the form itself by implementing the additional infos dropdown menu. But in your comment you say that you already have those functionalities already? It probably makes totally sense when you have the whole picture but when only reading the user-story, it is a bit confusing 🙈