Open anacastrosalgado opened 2 years ago
<entry xmlns="" xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.FEDO" type="mainEntry" xml:lang="pt"> <form type="lemma"> <orth>FE’DO</orth> </form> <metamark function="lemmaDelimiter">,</metamark> <gramGrp> <gram type="pos" norm="ADJECTIVE">adj.</gram> </gramGrp> <sense xml:id="MORAIS1.DLP.FEDO.s.1"> <def>feio</def> <metamark function="exampleDelimiter">.</metamark> <cit type="example" xml:lang="pt"> <bibl type="attestation" source="#M._L._Monarchia_Luſitana"> <title>Luz da Medicina</title> </bibl> <pc>,,</pc> <quote>lepra , e outros achaques fédos</quote> </cit> <metamark function="usageDelimiter">,</metamark> <usg type="frequency">p. usado</usg> </sense> <pc>.</pc> </entry>
Citation: a quotation or excerpt from a source document with a bibliographic reference, esp. as an authority, that illustrates a particular usage of a lexical unit
lemmaDelimiter: after a lemma
usageDelimiter: before a usage label
exampleDelimiter: before a example
Citation: a quotation or excerpt from a source document with a bibliographic reference, esp. as an authority, that illustrates a particular usage of a lexical unit
lemmaDelimiter: after a lemma
usageDelimiter: before a usage label
exampleDelimiter: before a example