The colour module doesn't appear to be part of the standard conda installation. Please consider rewriting the Importing%20revealjs%20themes.ipynb notebook not to use it. If you are only dealing with #abc and #aabbcc style RGB specs, you could just use a simple function like
c_re = re.compile('^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$')
def repeat_chars(s,k):
return ''.join(c*k for c in s)
def v2color(v):
m =
if not m:
return None
rgb =
if len(rgb) == 3:
rgb = repeat_chars(rgb,2)
return tuple(int(rgb[k:k+2],16) for k in xrange(0,6,2))
module doesn't appear to be part of the standard conda installation. Please consider rewriting the Importing%20revealjs%20themes.ipynb notebook not to use it. If you are only dealing with#abc
style RGB specs, you could just use a simple function like