anacrolix / cove

A combined BitTorrent frontend and DHT indexer for personal use
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Use "go:embed" to embed "" into go binary #4

Open weebney opened 11 months ago

weebney commented 11 months ago

Using the package embed to embed "" into the binary would prevent having to package the library with the binary as a separate file—this would add minimal complexity to cove but make distribution much easier and cleaner.

anacrolix commented 11 months ago

Thank you for the great suggestion! Do you have a use case that can guide my changing this? Do you prefer a single executable? I believe it may be possible to statically link the file so that I don't need to copy it out at runtime, which would be the case if it were embedded. I suspect needing to have in the working directory can be an issue for Linux users, is that the case for you?

weebney commented 11 months ago

I'm currently packaging cove for Arch; I'm sure as you know it's the de-facto standard for go programs to be entirely self contained (to cut down on package coupling and make distribution easier) and I think cove would be no exception in benefiting from these perks. It doesn't seem like you use Linux, but the primary use case I can see would be in simplifying the packaging of cove for the various flavors of Linux—not a huge use case I guess, but would help me out and anyone else who packages cove in the future. I can do a PR for this and #5 if you can't be bothered.

I suspect needing to have in the working directory can be an issue for Linux users, is that the case for you?

See #5—a bit of a broader issue on Linux than just the library not being in the working directory.

anacrolix commented 11 months ago

5 should be fixed shortly. I think I'll look into statically linking the extension for the longer term.

anacrolix commented 11 months ago

Statically linking rust sqlite extensions is non trivial. 😢