anacrolix / torrent

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Cannot use download subcmd to download what i seed torrent #908

Open obitoquilt opened 4 months ago

obitoquilt commented 4 months ago

I want to announce the torrent to the dht network with the below code, but cannot use download subcmd to download magnet. Thanks for any advice.

package main

import (

func main() {
    cfg := torrent.NewDefaultClientConfig()
    cfg.Seed = true
    cfg.Debug = true
    cfg.NoDefaultPortForwarding = true
    cfg.DisableIPv6 = true

    cl, err := torrent.NewClient(cfg)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%x\n", cl.PeerID())
    defer cl.Close()
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    go http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

    filePath := "testdata/docker.png"
    totalLength, err := totalLength(filePath)
    if err != nil {
    pieceLength := metainfo.ChoosePieceLength(totalLength)
    info := metainfo.Info{
        PieceLength: pieceLength,
    err = info.BuildFromFilePath(filePath)
    if err != nil {
    for _, fi := range info.Files {
        log.Printf("added %q", fi.Path)
    mi := &metainfo.MetaInfo{
        InfoBytes: bencode.MustMarshal(info),
    torrentFile = mi
    torrentFile.Announce = ""

    // Add the torrent to the client
    tor, err := cl.AddTorrent(torrentFile)
    if err != nil {

    // Wait for the torrent to be ready

    hash := tor.InfoHash()
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", tor.Metainfo().Magnet(&hash, tor.Info()))

    // Announce the torrent to DHT
    for _, _ds := range cl.DhtServers() {
        ds := _ds
        done, _, err := tor.AnnounceToDht(ds)
        if err != nil {
        for c := range done {
            fmt.Println("++++++++++++++++++++++++", c)
    select {}
anacrolix commented 4 months ago

The code looks good, but expecting a torrent to just work with a single seeder without knowing network conditions is iffy. You might try connecting your download cmds directly to the local seeding address. There's a lot of things that can go wrong trying to seed arbitrarily from a single node.

obitoquilt commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your reply. I follow your idea when connecting download cmds directly to the local seeding address(

bargle.Subcommand{Name: "download", Command: func() bargle.Command {
    var dlc DownloadCmd
    dlc.TestPeer = []string{""}  //  add here
    cmd := bargle.FromStruct(&dlc)
    cmd.DefaultAction = func() error {
        return downloadErr(downloadFlags{
            Debug:       debug,
            DownloadCmd: dlc,
    return cmd

And then, i run the seeder and leecher, but i encounter a error as shown below.

header obfuscation handshake: error while establishing secret: error reading Y: EOF

The Excuting function is:

c, err = doProtocolHandshakeOnDialResult(

It is not clear if the code(add seeding address) is wrong or if some configuration is required.

anacrolix commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. The reason is that because you build the metainfo from the full file path, when you add the generated metainfo to your seeder client, it expects docker.png to be in the working directory. You can build the metainfo from testdata instead, or you can set the torrent storage to be operating from the testdata directory instead (pass a custom storage when you add the torrent).

Subsequently, the client thinks it doesn't have any data to seed, and rejects incoming connections because it both has no download priority set, and nothing to seed. If you make the above corrects, the leechers work.

obitoquilt commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your prompt reply. I try to pass a custom storage as shown below, but the code is stuck at <-tor.GotInfo().

filePath := "testdata/docker.png"

pc, err := storage.NewDefaultPieceCompletionForDir("testdata")
if err != nil {
defer pc.Close()
tor, _ := cl.AddTorrentOpt(torrent.AddTorrentOpts{
    InfoHash: torrentFile.HashInfoBytes(),
    Storage: storage.NewFileOpts(storage.NewFileClientOpts{
        ClientBaseDir: "testdata",
        FilePathMaker: func(opts storage.FilePathMakerOpts) string {
            return filepath.Join(opts.File.Path...)
        TorrentDirMaker: nil,
        PieceCompletion: pc,

// Wait for the torrent to be ready
<-tor.GotInfo()  // stuck here

hash := tor.InfoHash()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", tor.Metainfo().Magnet(&hash, tor.Info()))
anacrolix commented 4 months ago

I think you need to include the info bytes in AddTorrentOpt

obitoquilt commented 4 months ago

I think you need to include the info bytes in AddTorrentOpt

Thank you. I fix it but encounter same error as described above. The seeder has a error: rejecting accepted conn: don't want conns right now. The leechers has a error: error establishing outgoing connection to bittorrent protocol handshake: while reading: EOF.

I find that if remove rejectAccepted function, the error disapears. The leechers can find the torrent metainfo but file cannot be downloaded.

// client.go 524 lines
if !closed && conn != nil {
    reject = cl.rejectAccepted(conn) // if i remove this

I am very sorry to trouble you because i am not familiar with this.