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AnaestheticsApp Logbook
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[Logbook v2] Adding support for Emergency Medicine #53

Open anaestheticsapp opened 3 years ago

anaestheticsapp commented 3 years ago


Other pages

First draft for layout

Date - radio datetime

Session - radio - Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night

Location - radio

Age - radio age

Problem ?radio ?select ?new filter button (select medical or surgical then next set of options open, only able to select one)

Diagnosis - text - depending on specialty chosen there will be a number of prepopulated options (TBC) e.g, cardio - STEMI, NSTEMI, Unstable angina, cardiac failure etc.

Critical events - check / multiselect list (select any number) - Cardiac arrest / respiratory arrest / sepsis / major trauma / major haemorrhage / low GCS / emergency airway management / arrhythmia

Procedures check, allow custom items

Ultrasound sub section - ??? Scan - FAST / focused ECHO / vascular access / AAA / Lung / Other (free text) Reason for scan (free text) Pre scan (free text) Findings (free text) Post scan (free text)

Supervisor - radio

Outcome - radio

Notes - text area

Internal note

sb337 commented 3 years ago


Problem requires some thought.

Ultrasound subsection

jamesevee commented 3 years ago

RAT is 'rapid assessment and treatment' - basically triage with some initial tests requested and treatment started.

For the 'problem' I think it would be particularly nice if able to focus down into individual specialties, so people can get an idea of the specific casemix they are seeing. If having subsections is too messy or tricky to do, then would it be better/easier to just have one list of categories as radio buttons (but potentially quite a lot)? Other option would be scroll wheel style (as on the 'reason for referral' section in ICM) - ordered alphabetically seems easiest to me.

Ultrasound - how you have it now on the draft you sent me looks great, how it just opens up beneath the procedures section. Most importantly, will it be possible to have some sort of discrete ultrasound logbook output where you can see all your scans and all your written text arranged in some sort of table (this would just mean it could be directly used as your formal logbook for sign off, rather than having to transpose into something else first). In the standard curriculum logbook format it is structured as 'pre scan' (space for comments about setup/positioning - e.g. ideal ultrasound probe might not be available, patient may not be able to lie flat etc.), 'findings' (probe used, what images were obtained, could you get all required views, any limitations, key findings etc.), 'post scan' (findings explained to patient, how were findings documented, how were findings used - e.g. decision for CT).

Is it possible for 'critical events' to appear under diagnosis so it comes up early on? Also can the items in these be made into radio buttons or are there too many options to fit this in?

anaestheticsapp commented 3 years ago

I think you are right, better to have specialities for the problem form field. I quite like the categories from the RCEM curriculum. We could have those as either radio buttons (hiding infrequent ones) or a select dropdown list (like the ICM one). Maybe we can merge some of them to make the list shorter. Conditions/Issues/Presentations can go into the diagnosis list. I updated the problem field with the new categories from the curriculum.

Yep planning a section in the reports tab just for ultrasound. This might also be useful for ICM trainees as well.

Do you have a link for the curriculum logbook format? Text areas are quite difficult to use on mobile, not sure if many people will use them. Added the FICE logbook form items to the website (click on Ultrasound then ECHO), maybe we can implement similar style for the other scans?

Also see FUSIC logbook paper forms for reference

Will move critical events to the top. I tried radio buttons in the past and didn't really work. Been working on a dialog box with categories so people can select several items. It's somewhere in my code just need to find it and then we can test it.

One of those blue notification messages has an "Update" button, you have to click on it to see new changes.

jamesevee commented 3 years ago

I think how you have the problem categories is great now - as long as you don't think the section as a whole is too big/unwieldy, in which case we could try the scroll wheel style selector?

For ultrasound, I have attached a copy of the logbook I am using - annoyingly RCEM don't seem to actually specify what they will accept or not, and don't have their own example - I'm going to check in with the regional ultrasound lead for clarity. For EM, the echo is far more basic than FICE or FEEL and is mainly limited to cardiac arrest and looking for tamponade/presence of cardiac activity/massive right heart strain, so I'm sure using FICE or FEEL logbook criteria should be more than adequate. This link on page 66 - 69 has examples of the structure for the final sign off for each category, so I think most logbooks are based on this.

Thanks for all your work so far!

James Everson Ultrasound Logbook.docx

anaestheticsapp commented 3 years ago

Form has been added to the app. Rest will be implemented based on feedback and usage

anaestheticsapp commented 2 years ago

Form will be finalised in the next few weeks and option to generate reports added. Feedback so far: