anaestheticsapp / logbook

AnaestheticsApp Logbook
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preselect appropriate "session" radioelement #56

Closed leoric23 closed 3 years ago

leoric23 commented 3 years ago

i usually add cases on the go in the OR. it would be convenient if the radio boxes for the time of day would preselect the proper element according to the actual time. cheers!

anaestheticsapp commented 3 years ago

Good idea, thanks. Will be testing the new update all of next week and hopefully release this, so can only start working ont his after.

anaestheticsapp commented 3 years ago

Pushed with latest minor update (25.1.19)

This feature is disabled by default. To enable,

Session will now be prefilled if date selected is "Today".

Not enabled by default as most users tend to enter cases at the end of the day Changing session would need two clicks here (ie when entering cases from morning in evening, user must deselect Evening and select Morning).