Change Flatbuffers Code Generation to Build-Time Generation via Cargo
User Story
As a developer, I want changes to the Flatbuffers generated code to be immediately reflected in the code at build time.
Currently, the Flatbuffers-generated code is committed directly to the repository. This approach requires manual updates to these files whenever there is a schema change, increasing the risk of stale code and unnecessary merges. By dynamically generating this code during the build process, we can ensure that the code is always up-to-date without needing to commit generated files to version control.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Remove existing Flatbuffers-generated files from the repository.
[ ] Update Cargo.toml and the build process to include Flatbuffers code generation.
[ ] Ensure that Flatbuffers code generation occurs at build time, so any schema changes are automatically reflected.
[ ] Add documentation on how the build process will handle Flatbuffers code generation.
[ ] Verify that CI/CD pipeline supports this dynamic generation step without errors.
[ ] Test and validate that the generated code matches expectations for various schema changes.
Additional Context
Switching to build-time generation will:
Improve developer productivity by eliminating the need to manually update generated code in version control.
Reduce merge conflicts and ensure consistency across branches.
Maintain a clean repository by excluding auto-generated files.
This change requires Flatbuffers generation tools to be installed and accessible during the build process.
Consider the impact on local builds and CI/CD pipelines and document any new setup steps for developers.
Related Issues
create a chore to update typescript code dynamically if this is possible
Change Flatbuffers Code Generation to Build-Time Generation via Cargo
User Story
As a developer, I want changes to the Flatbuffers generated code to be immediately reflected in the code at build time.
Currently, the Flatbuffers-generated code is committed directly to the repository. This approach requires manual updates to these files whenever there is a schema change, increasing the risk of stale code and unnecessary merges. By dynamically generating this code during the build process, we can ensure that the code is always up-to-date without needing to commit generated files to version control.
Acceptance Criteria
and the build process to include Flatbuffers code generation.Additional Context
Switching to build-time generation will:
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