anaisbetts / grunt-build-atom-shell

Grunt task to build Electron and rebuild node modules
MIT License
122 stars 11 forks source link

Last known working version combination #11

Closed lboecker closed 7 years ago

lboecker commented 9 years ago

I've tried a couple of combinations and they all failed. OS X and all tools are up to date. The errors I get vary. They weren't really helpful, but I can paste them anyway if it helps.

What tag and nodeVersion combination is the latest that you've compiled successfully?

anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

v0.20.7 / 0.20.0. Most of these errors are really saying that you can't build Atom Shell on your machine, have you tried building it directly just to see if it works?

andymorris commented 9 years ago

I have v0.22.2 / 0.22.0 building without errors on Windows. The last hurdle in my case was that atom-shell's (and this grunt task) had to be run with node 0.10 (even though atom-shell itself is far ahead).

However, I'm not 100% clear on what to do next. (I don't do much with Node or Windows, so I'm sure I'm missing some things that are obvious to people who do.) Some things I'm trying to figure out:

  1. Is the intended usage to npm install my atom-shell app's dependencies, then have grunt-build-atom-shell modify node_modules in place? If so do I then just copy node_modules into targetDir/resources/app?
  2. It looks like there are a lot of extra build artifacts in targetDir (compared to an atom-shell release which is ~1/4 the size) after a successful build. Is there a task/script to clean this up, or docs to know what is needed and what isn't to distribute to end users?
anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

You want 0.22.0 for new versions of Atom Shell

anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

Is the intended usage to npm install my atom-shell app's dependencies, then have grunt-build-atom-shell modify node_modules in place?


It looks like there are a lot of extra build artifacts in targetDir (compared to an atom-shell release which is ~1/4 the size) after a successful build. Is there a task/script to clean this up, or docs to know what is needed and what isn't to distribute to end users?

That's tough because in atom and atom-shell-starter, it's cleaned up in different ways on different OSs - on Windows for example, we just don't include the files in the installer, whereas on OS X they get explicitly stripped as part of building the .app folder.

rishson commented 9 years ago

Hi. Given the recent renames (atom shell -> electron), switch to iojs and major bumps to this project etc, what is the 'official' latest supported version matrix?

I can successfully build using:

grunt-build-atom-shell: 1.1.5 tag: 0.20.7 nodeVersion: 0.20.0

I cannot get any more recent combinations to work (I get a hang on electron's

Ideally, I'd like to be on something like:

grunt-build-atom-shell: 2.0.5 tag: 0.25.0 nodeVersion: ???


anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

(I get a hang on electron's

It's not hanging, it's just taking F O R E V E R downloading a giant file from S3

rishson commented 9 years ago

thanks for the quick reply @paulcbetts . I'll leave it running for an hour or so then. Could you also let me know where to look for the nodeVersion to use against a specific version of electron? I'd like to run against electron 0.25.0 so can I look in the electron src somewhere to find the version of atom/node to use, or are the versions in lockstep now?

anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

You probably want nodeVersion 0.25.0 - it seems as if the logic is "0.min.0" (even if you want "0.22.3", nodeVersion is "0.22.0" for example)