analogdevicesinc / HighSpeedConverterToolbox

MATLAB toolbox for ADI high speed converter products
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The accumulator word length error #64

Open Mtten opened 2 years ago

Mtten commented 2 years ago

Putting anything above or equal to 48 on the total interpolation causes the error "The accumulator word length must be 128 bits or shorter" after calling the step function.

% Code that causes the error tx = adi.sim.AD9081.Tx tx.MainDataPathInterpolation= 6; tx.ChannelizerPathInterpolation= 8;

sw = dsp.SineWave; data = sw(); tx(data,data,data,data,data,data,data,data);

tfcollins commented 2 years ago

What version of MATLAB and which release (or source) are you using?


Mtten commented 2 years ago

What version of MATLAB and which release (or source) are you using?


Hi Travis, I am using MATLAB 2021a and the [v21.1.1] version of the toolbox.


tfcollins commented 2 years ago

Thanks. We'll check it out and get back to you.


Faycal-91 commented 2 years ago

Hi Travis, I have the same problem.
