analogdevicesinc / ai8x-training

Model Training for ADI's MAX78000 and MAX78002 Edge AI Devices
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AvgPool1d reduces the feature dimension in synthesis #306

Closed LochanaMendis closed 2 months ago

LochanaMendis commented 2 months ago


I am getting this error when I try to implement AvgPool1d in synthesis.

"Pooling or zero-padding results in a zero data dimension (input [1800, 1], result [112, 0])."

My network configurable file:

  # input: 64x1800x1, 
  - out_offset: 0x0000
    in_dim: 1800
    processors: 0xFFFF.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF
    avg_pool: 16
    pool_stride: 16
    operation: none
    name: l16_gap1

How do I specify it to do a 1d average pool?