analogdevicesinc / alice

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No Device Plugged In #20

Open BrentH22 opened 1 year ago

BrentH22 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am having a problem with the Alice program and the M1K ADLAM 1000 board. I have downloaded Alice and connected the board via USB and got a popup that asks me if I want to update the firmware and after trying to do so the red LED of the board turned off. I tried to run thew program and Alice says that No Device is Plugged In. I have tried using PixelPulse2 twice now to update the firmware and it did not work. Both times have caused the device to not be detected by USB which I had to fix by shorting R56 box near the pins. I tried using bossa to fix it but it could not detect a COM to use even after refreshing. Lastly I tried using the command promp to fix it however nothing is being detected by saying no supported devices plugged in. Help is greatly appreciated because I need this for a Group project.

damercer commented 1 year ago

First I have a couple of background questions. First, when did you purchase the ALM1000 board and from who? If it was recently and from an authorized ADI distributor then it should not have needed to have the firmware updated. Should have shipped with ver. 2.17 installed. Second which revision of the board is it D (6 analog pins) or F (8 analog pins)? Again recent purchases should only be Rev F. I assume that in its present state none of the LEDs on the board light up when plugged in?

I assume the board was working before you attempted to flash a new copy of the firmware. After shorting the jumper to put the board into the bootloader it should appear in the Windows Device manager (SAMBA device) and which COM port it is on. Using BOSSA you should be able to enter the COM port and flash the new firmware. You also need to remember to click on the Boot to flash check box so the board will start up running the firmware.


If this does not work then we don't have any other way to un-brick a board. This procedure should work with the older Rev D. The newer Rev F should be found by Pixelpulse2 when in the bootloader which does not seem to always work with Rev D.

BrentH22 commented 1 year ago

I did not purchase this device, It was given to my by my teacher for a lab project. It is a Rev F Z board. When I first got it a red light was on when plugged in. after getting a pop up for updating the firmware I mistakenly clicked yes and opened the 2.17.bin file which turned the LED off.

damercer commented 1 year ago

OK, when you plug the board in to a Windows computer what if anything appears in the Device Manager? With the LED not lighting up, the board is hope fully in the boot loader. To make doubly sure can you short the jumper again with the board powered? Cycle the power and check in the Device Manager. image

Again if the correct USB drivers are installed it should appear in the Device Manager. If the board shows up in the Device manager Pixelpulse2 should be able to see it. Pixelpulse2 needs to be able to access the internet (GitHub) to download the firmware binary. Pixelpulse2 also needs to be installed in a directory that you have Write privileges to be able to save the binary file locally. If that is all correct then you should be able to use Pixelpulse2 to re-flash the firmware.

Once in the boot loader (after a power cycle) the BOSSA software can be used to burn the m1000-2.17.bin firmware on to the board. Set the correct COM port number click the Boot to flash and hit Write.

BrentH22 commented 1 year ago

Ok, the device does appear in the Device Manager as SAMBA. the light isn't on. On pixelpulse2 it says that the device is in programming mode. Last time I tried to reflash the firmware, the light didn't come on and it wasn't recognized by the USB. If that is what should happen, I assume I then have to use BOSSA correct?

damercer commented 1 year ago

OK, If you can force the board in to a state that appears as SAMBA in the device manager then BOSSA should see it at the COM port listed in the device manager. You can click the Read button to have BOSSA try to read the firmware off the board as a double check of proper connection before trying to Write the new copy.

BrentH22 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately when opening BOSSA the serial port isn't being detected even after refreshing. In the device manager the port location says Port#0003.Hub#0001.

damercer commented 1 year ago

Are you using an external USB hub? Try connecting directly to a USB port on the computer itself.

BrentH22 commented 1 year ago

No external hub. Its plugged in directly to my laptop. Perhaps I should try a different computer and see if I can get anything different. When I first downloaded BOSSA and tried it, it showed up but I don't know why it isn't now.

damercer commented 1 year ago

Good idea. Or even a re-boot. I've never had any issues with BOSSA.